The following pertains to African Americans (AA) who are NOT recent immigrants from Africa or descendents of recent immigrants from Africa (recent meaning anytime in AT LEAST the last century).
The question is simple; do you or do you not agree with the following theory:
Let's set aside all political correctness and society's "need" to not stereotype--because all stereotypes are based on some truth.
Generally speaking, I have seen many more physically fit, young AA males than unfit, young AA males. I'm sure many of you have too. The ratio of fit to unfit AA males I think is greater than that of any other race in the US (caucasian, hispanic, asian, etc.)
This leads me to propose AA's have a genetic advantage in their physical structure that resulted from a process of natural selection in the colonial days.
Think about it. Only the physically strongest and toughest could survive the long journey from Africa to US and YEARS of slave labor. The weak slaves were...
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