This is a serious question, as i heavily suspect that americans, particularly the young, are the sad results of an increasingly warped nation with an imperialistic war mongering government, a school system that teaches kids to bully and exclude, a deep love of a grotesquely shallow trash culture, generally a nation and a people that have become so used to being "the best" (and believe me i use the term as loosely as possible) that they have completely forgotten the rules of common decency, manners, respect and humanity. Look at how many serial killers America has produced........ I mean, lets be fair, if you guys had treated them a little better in school then they probably wouldnt have turned out the way they did. You could call this a sociological question or a racist rant ( im british, and i thank my lucky stars i wasnt born on the scummy side of the pond). I dont particularly care how you see it cos i wont be coming to this site again. Too many yanks.
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