There are several problems, if you can help out on some (feel free to solve but even just tips on where to start or how to go about them) I'd greatly appreciate it. In answers, please put the number of which you're responding to. Thanks in advance!
2. If A, not equal to empty set, is bounded below, let B be the set of all lower bounds of A. Show that B is not equal to empty set, that B is bounded above, and that sup B is the greatest lower bound of A.
8. For which numbers a, b, c, and d will the function: F(x) = (ax +b)/(cx+d) satisfy f(f(x)) = x for all x such that f(f(x)) is defined.
a. Prove that any function f with a domain of all reals can be written as f = E + O, where E is even and O is odd.
b. Prove that this way of writing f is unique.
1 answers
asked by
Andrew H