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Science & Mathematics - 24 September 2007

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Specifically, what materials are used to insulate? And what properties do they have that makes them good insulators?

2007-09-24 10:08:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Engineering

ok what are these questions?

1. What is the solstice that occurs in December in the southern hemisphere

2. What is a complete orbit made by Earth around the sun?

3. What is the time it takes Earth to revolve around the Sun?

2007-09-24 10:06:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

im doing a report and cant find it online at all
any sites i could go on or if anyone knows what it is
made out of

2007-09-24 10:03:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Science

ok, so if you want to find the vloume of an irregular shaped object, you put it in a liquid substance and see how much the liquid rises, right? (ex you fill a beeker with H20 to 8mL and you drop a rock in it and it rises to 11mL, that means the volume of the rock is 2mg squared) well say i wanted to see how much volume my teddy bear takes up, i put it in water but it ABSOARBS water... how would i find the volume???

and i am just curious, i dont want to find the volume of a teddy bear.

: P
: D

2007-09-24 10:03:27 · 6 answers · asked by Clairerox13 4 in Other - Science

If the big bang happened 13.7 billion years ago, and the observable universe is about 46.5 billion light years, does that mean the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light? 46.5 is greater than 13.7. I understand one is measured in distance and the other is measured in time, but I'm still confused. Please help. Thanks.

I read this from wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe

2007-09-24 10:02:46 · 6 answers · asked by C L 5 in Astronomy & Space

what is momentum of a fly if it's traveling 1 m/s and has mass of 0.0001 kg?

2007-09-24 09:59:59 · 3 answers · asked by goofy 2 in Physics

an antique carousel that's powerd by a large electric motor undergoes constant angular acceleration from rest to full rotational speed in 5 sec. when the ride ends, a brake causes it to decelerate steadily from full rotational speed to rest in 10 secs. compare the torque that starts the carousel to the torque that stops it.

2007-09-24 09:57:28 · 5 answers · asked by goofy 2 in Physics

Is y²-1/9= (y X 1/3) +(y X 1/3)
Also what is 2x²+x-6 I think I am suppose to simply it

2007-09-24 09:56:55 · 1 answers · asked by Ireqiredlotofhelp 1 in Mathematics

2007-09-24 09:53:58 · 2 answers · asked by Deutschjoe 3 in Mathematics

I am reading a book on Riemann's Hypothesis by Karl Sabbagh. In the Prologue he references to an interview with a mathematician Michael Berry. Karl had asked him what it felt like to be sixty to which Michael's reply was:

"Sixty, sandwiched between two primes, has the property that no smaller number has more distinct prime factors"

I see that sixty's distinct prime factors as 2, 3 & 5. But so does 30, right ? How is it correct to say "no smaller number has more distinct prime factors" ? Or did I get it wrong ?

2007-09-24 09:52:44 · 5 answers · asked by long_live_open_source 2 in Mathematics

you know, when there is a coordinate graph and the y axis have a "scrunch" if you will. it goes 1 SCRUNCH 40 45 50 and so on and so on. what is that called? thanks.

2007-09-24 09:51:51 · 1 answers · asked by casey m 2 in Mathematics

Uncle Jimmy needed to take his pet wolf, chicken, and a sack of corn across a river in a boat. However he may only take one item across at a time. the problem is, if he leaves the wolf with the chicken, the wolf will eat the chicken, and if he leaves the chicken with the corn the chicken will eat the corn. He knows he is going to have to make several trips. how can he get all three items safely acroass the river?

2007-09-24 09:51:42 · 4 answers · asked by monkeylove 1 in Zoology

integral of (sec x)^3 dx

integral of (e^x) cos dx

i got 9e^x cos x + e^x sin x)/2 if anyone could tell me that's rite that'd be great. not sure wut to do for the first one

2007-09-24 09:49:42 · 4 answers · asked by people suck 6 in Mathematics

2007-09-24 09:47:56 · 9 answers · asked by mrsscl 2 in Geography

Thanks in advance for the help.

2007-09-24 09:47:52 · 3 answers · asked by Random G 3 in Mathematics

Where do I find a driver that will let me run LED headlights, taillights etc off of a traction system with a pair of 12vdc batteries in series. They aren't big on amp/hours, so incandesents are no good.

2007-09-24 09:47:30 · 3 answers · asked by redscott77092 4 in Engineering

2007-09-24 09:47:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-09-24 09:45:37 · 8 answers · asked by brianna0795 1 in Mathematics

4 / 2x-15 < 0

2007-09-24 09:45:19 · 15 answers · asked by Bad Kitty 1 in Mathematics

154-m=84! please explain your answer!

2007-09-24 09:43:18 · 6 answers · asked by bb_trainer 2 in Mathematics

And actually tell me if it'll be rainy or w/e, not just a temperature?

2007-09-24 09:42:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weather

[not that I want to, of course, but would be useful to know what not to do]

2007-09-24 09:40:55 · 9 answers · asked by sharifjunaid 3 in Weather

I have a question about electrical grounding. As I understand it, every electrical item found in the home with a metal casing, or copper plumbing, is earthed and is connected together to a rod in the ground. However, what I do not understand is this: this configuration also means that all metal appliances, plumbing, etc, are all linked together, and therefore, if one electrical appliance developed a fault which lead to its metal casing to become live, then surely every other item in the house with a metal casing, plumbing, etc, would also become live? of course, at this point the fuse would blow, or the RCD would kick in. But it would still mean, for a split second, that anything metal is dangerously live in the house, not good if your in a metal bath, or washing dishes in a metal sink? why is this not a problem? or is my understanding wrong?

2007-09-24 09:40:47 · 6 answers · asked by boyinlove2k 2 in Engineering

please, please, please help me because i have a project and i can't find any information!!

2007-09-24 09:36:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

I'm having trouble with capacitance. Any input would be appreciated. Here is the Question:

You are to connect capacitances C1 and C2, with C1>C2, to a battery, first individually, then in series, and then in parallel.

Rank those arrangements according to the amount of charge stored, greatest first.

2007-09-24 09:36:02 · 3 answers · asked by i wonaaa 2 in Physics

Ok So i suck at probability.Help me out here.

A small business has its own internal phone system. Each phone number is four digits long The first digit must be 2 to indicate an internal call, and the second digit cannot be 0. How many internal phone numbers are possible for this company?

2007-09-24 09:34:00 · 8 answers · asked by Scented Marker 2 in Mathematics

2007-09-24 09:30:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

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