I came across the following question on an IQ test, the answer to which I was left guessing on, after several minutes trying to solve it (non-mathematically):
Water is dripping into an empty glass. Each minute, the number of drops doubles. The glass is full in one hour. How many minutes does it take to fill the glass up to half?
a. 30 minutes
b. 40 minutes
c. 59 minutes
d. 1 minute
e. 23 minutes
It is worth noting that by doubling the drops, one arrives at very large number very quickly (ie:starting at one and doubling for 10 minutes gave me a value of 512 drops, if my math was correct! This is geometric progression). I ruled out letter a, because filling the last half would be done faster, given the mathematical progression. Likewise, letters d&e are ruled out, since either answer would assume that more time would be needed to fill the last half, which, again, as noted is not possible. This, then, only leaves letters b&c. Does this reasoning seem correct thus far?
6 answers
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