ok i give up! what type of mathematics are they using to come up with these ridiculous amounts of water usage. my water usage every 6 months is between 27,000 - 292,000 gallons of water.in monetary form, thats between $33.00-$649.00. heck of difference wouldnt u say? now i know i dont use 50 gals. of water a day. but lets pretend i do so 50x's 30=1,500 gals a month. 1,500 gals.x's 6 months =9,000 gals 9,000 gals at a rate of $1.25 per thousand gals.= $11.25. so what mathematical system are they using other than arithmetric or trickanametry.if anybody can explain to me and make sense while doing it how they come up with these amounts then please by all means do so.
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