You have two storage locations each capable of holding 25,000 m3 of water. One lies 100 m above the other. You'll pump water to the higher one during the nighttime and allow it to flow through your generation facility during the daytime. Using the data in the following table and the First Law of Thermodynamics, determine how long it will be before your business will turn a profit. Assume all such activities will happen once a day, i.e., you will pump the water up once at night and allow it to drain during the day.
Efficiency of Pumps80%
Efficiency of Generator80%
Cost of Energy during Day$0.08 / kWh
Cost of Energy at Night$0.03/ kWh
Initial Cost of Equipment$100,000
Maintenance Cost for Equipment$50 / day
Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the amount of useful work you can get out divided by the energy that must be put in.
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