Today in Physics there are people who believe in a infinite universe and then there are those that believe the universe is finite.
In this theory lets say the universe is finite, like most of the famous physicists of today say it is, (such as Hawking) this would mean the universe has an end.
Some say (including hawkings) if you were to reach this end you would immediately transport to the other side of the universe, in a spherical theoretical universe.
Now if this was true, wouldn't it also be true that ever star that gave forth light close to the edge of the universe would travel past the edge and to the other side, making it look like the same star was in two positions at once?
Even more amazing is if light is really constant (Like every one says it is) it would send a banner of light from one edge of the star to the other, or intill that constant light was stopped hitting into another soild star, am I not correct?
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