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Trying to Conceive - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive


I don't really have a question, but I do want to thank everyone who helped me with all of my questions and problems. I was diagnosed with pcos back in 2006, and I've been tring for 3 years to have another baby, since my last miscarriage. And now I am 5 weeks pregnant, and loving it. So I just want to let all the women out there trying to conceive. Its only a matter of time, God will let it happen when he's ready for it to happen. Just keep your head up and just keep doing what you doing, because it's all going to work out. Thankz a mill every1 !!!

P.S. I'll still be here to help with any questions that I can answer, and feel free to email me if you want to talk or anything I don't discriminate.

2007-01-21 09:28:12 · 9 answers · asked by Tha Blessed One 3

I was threatning a miscarriage very early in the pregnancy. I started my next due period on time while being pregnant. I went to the OB the day it started and he did blood worked which showed my levels to be 28 and 2 days later i went back and that bloodwork showed the hcg levels a 21. They want to see me again to do more bloodwork and I am not sure why. Is it possible that my period being on could have messed with my levels? Or could I have miscarried during my period. And if this is the case, when is a good time to start trying again?

2007-01-21 08:52:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my boyfriend have been trying to have a baby for 5months now we tryed alot of thing but still nothing. If when haveing sex and i dont have a orgasm and he does can that effect me from getting pregnant or no?? One more thing for the last two weeks i have been eating alot and sleeping more can that be sign of pregnancy and what does it mean when your vagina is really tight??

2007-01-21 08:38:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

obviously i know you cannot take it once pregnant...

2007-01-21 08:05:11 · 38 answers · asked by KBZ 1

We have been trying to get pregnant for 5 months now. Im ovulating now until the 23th and we have been having sex every other day since friday. Out of no where I started to get really bad lower back pain. I never had it before, but I thought it was too early to get feel like you were pregnant. Also In not getting sick but every so often I feel like I might want to throw up, than it passes after like 10 mins. Has this ever happen to anyone, or is it all in my head?

2007-01-21 07:04:44 · 14 answers · asked by MegM0930 2

Could I still be pregnant? Or should I just give up?

Meaning, is there any chance that I could still be pregnant...and that the urine test just didn't pick up enough of the hcG? I took a blood test as well, but the results for that come in later on this week.

2007-01-21 06:57:06 · 5 answers · asked by lilsedalemami 3

w/o using fertility drugs? are there any NATURAL sources such as wild yam root? does anyone know of anything else??? i'm still young, but twins and triplets run on both mine and my husbands side....but we still need all the help we can get :0) any help is appreciated thanks!

2007-01-21 06:53:39 · 1 answers · asked by who cares! 3

This cycle, we could have been successful, and maybe not. . . I am feeling funny though, I have been feeling queasy, and have had some indegestion. Has anyone really felt any early symptoms, before they tested positive? If the hormones are strong enough to make you feel different, they should be strong enough to show up on an EPT right? It is day 29, and I have tested negative thus far.

2007-01-21 06:48:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering if anyone thought they were pregnant and so curious they took a test to just see.... and by there surprise it came out posative! I know your supposed to wait but just want to see if it's ever happened...

2007-01-21 06:21:52 · 9 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

My hubby & I have been having unprotected sex all month long. I got my period early morn on Jan 4th. Mymonthlycycles.com said i ovulated from the 15th to the 18th. We had unprotected sex all of those days. Pretty much me & my hubby have sex every day :) Anyways we are having high hopes that maybe I'm pregnant although it's a little to early to take a preg test since i am not due for my period till Feb 1st or 2nd. My symptoms are strange & sometimes i think i just make them up b/c i would love to have a child. If i touch my right breast its painful. Although the tip of my left nipple is extemely dry. My breasts feel very "full" and my nipples look different. I can't explain it. I have gas feeling in my abdomen through out the day as if it was gas? And lastnight while having sex a heavy creamy white discharge was coming out of me. It was NOT "come". What was this? I know it's prob just wishful thinking but what does it sound like to you guys? Poss just symptoms of my period coming...

2007-01-21 05:58:19 · 8 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

just want to know, so if the is any Symptoms you know pls tell me.
thank you.

2007-01-21 05:57:53 · 5 answers · asked by luv ya 2

I have been off BC for a month. My husband and I have had unprotected sex during that time. I have abdominal cramping, but when my period finally did start it was just light spotting and it was brown (sorry, I know its a bit gross). Is this just my body getting readjusted or could i be pregnant? I have no other symptons.

2007-01-21 05:57:24 · 4 answers · asked by p.j. 2

My husband and I have been trying to have our first baby for 5 months now. Im ovulating this week until the 24th. My husband and I now the routine by now. We started to have sex when ovulation began, ever other day. But about a day ago I got a yeast infection. I called my doctor and scheduled an appointment for thursday, but I was wondering maybe from experience. Does a yeast infection decrease your chances on having a baby?

2007-01-21 05:42:00 · 3 answers · asked by MegM0930 2

accurate about ovulation? U know the calender that tells you when to have sex. and if so, when's the earliest you can test positive for a pregnancy test

2007-01-21 05:18:27 · 3 answers · asked by <--{Sexi Mami]--> 1

has anyone ever had a period and been pregnant only was convinced i was pregnant last month but had my period ive been having symtoms also i am late this month usally just before my period i get sore boobs around the time i ovulate this month i havent i dont feel like im gona have a period could i be pregnant even though i had a period

2007-01-21 05:15:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

im just curious to see when some of you started to bleed after you stopped the pill?? i was on orthro try cylcyln lo for a year and stopped on the 11th of this month. i stopped soon after i started a new pack i think i took 3 white pills then stopped.. my friends said i should have started to spot or bleed by now?? i have some signs of being prg but... it could be in my head!! i would just like to know when some of you started to bleed after you quit taking them?????

2007-01-21 05:10:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had sex 11 days atfter the first day of my last period. Could I get pregnant ? I had slight period like aches and my mucus looked clear and slippery.

2007-01-21 04:53:36 · 10 answers · asked by Daffy 2

with my daughter now 3yrs i had a runny nose like my whole pregnancy, and now again there is a chance i could be preg agian but very very early not sure yet too early to test. i am really stuffy and have a runny nose. i know it can just be a cold but could it also be a sign of preg????

2007-01-21 04:40:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

This month I ovulated about 2-3 days earlier then usual. Also, I noticed that my cervical mucus was extremly heavy. I almost always know when I am about to ovualte due to my cervical mucus, but this month it was rediculusly heavy. Has anyone had this happen to them? If so, do you know why? I am just cerious.

Thank you.

2007-01-21 04:04:45 · 1 answers · asked by totallyluvable 2

we are trying for a baby, my father was an unidentical twin, my boyfriend has no twins in his faimly, what are out chnaces of concieving twins? thanks all help apreciated

2007-01-21 04:01:04 · 6 answers · asked by sharna j 1

My period is due within this next week. The last time i remember having my period was about roughly 3 weeks ago. I'm not good with keeping up with periods and such, because i usually don't care. But me and my bf had sex 3 times this weekend and he came in me every time. I should expect my period within this next week. What do you think my chances are of being pregnant? Please be honest, we talked about it and we'd actually like to have a baby. PLEASE HELP. Thanks!

2007-01-21 03:53:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-21 02:59:49 · 8 answers · asked by BIG D 1

I have been diagnosed with PCOS nad have been trying to conceive for 2 years now. My fertility consultant said to go away and lose weight and go back in 3 months. Ive lost a couple of pounds already and am due to see her at the end of march. its hard, and im concerned if i dont lose enough, or even if i do, she'll tell me to go and wait another 3 months to see if i can conceive naturally. When will she offer me medication, like clomid? I hate to say it but im not very assertive and would hate to ask for it because i dont want the doc to think she cant do her job, but its been 2 years now. also being only 21, do you think she'll say im too young for treatment? HELP!!!!

2007-01-21 02:54:01 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

I was wondering I have had a child she is now 1yr and my hubby and I want another one soon since my daughter I have had 2 cycles one in oct and missed nov and one in dec, now that we are nearing the end of Jan still nothing how long will it take to make another baby after having one before

2007-01-21 02:50:43 · 6 answers · asked by leafnflyercountry 1


2007-01-21 02:47:50 · 9 answers · asked by donz_hazeleyez 1

I am 32 and my husband is 33. We have one very healthy and happy 2 year old, and would like to have another. I recently miscarried (a week ago today). We were actually not planning the pregnancy, but were thrilled none the less. Anyway, I would like to try again soon, but I am scared to death that I will have another miscarriage. When I was pregnant with my daughter we had a very easy pregnancy, but a VERY difficult birth. She was born by c-section after 30 hours of labor... Is it possible that the c-section could be the reason for the miscarriage? Or maybe we are just getting too old, and our chances have already dropped?

2007-01-21 02:42:07 · 8 answers · asked by Stephanie B 5

my girlfriend and i had unprotected sex (yea it was stupid of us) and i took my penis out before i actually comed i actually made myself come about 5 seconds after i took it out of her and it was 3 days after ehr period.....what is the chance of getting her pregnant?

2007-01-21 02:17:49 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

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