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Pregnancy - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I heard somewhere (forget where) it may be dangerous to the baby. Is this true?

2007-02-06 08:55:27 · 12 answers · asked by hott_momma_2_be 1

I just found out im pregnant 6 weeks now and i havent had any morning sickness, is this normal?? Im scared i will miscarry! i have the slightest cramps right now, sort of like menstrual cramps, and im very tired. With my first pregnany (i had Twins) i was sick as a dog!!! Is thiss normal?

2007-02-06 08:54:25 · 15 answers · asked by Cat 3

I weigh only 99 pounds right now, and if I was to end up being pregnant about how big would I be? Also, I am only 5' 2"

2007-02-06 08:48:49 · 16 answers · asked by HELP 1

if not y? if so y??
i personally do not. i believe its murder, but i know other ppl have other opioins and id like to see them.
also if u believe it is not ok, r there some situations ud give in to??
don't worry im not pregnant. im just curious.

2007-02-06 08:43:50 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 15, and I just found out im 6 weeks pregnant. I have to get an abortion.. i know what there gonna do but id like to know all the details.

2007-02-06 08:41:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know how far along I am but my morning sickness or I should say all day sickness is to the point where I have no warning as to when I'm going to vomit. I can't even work because it just comes out. Has anyone had this? Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated!

2007-02-06 08:40:52 · 5 answers · asked by Beonca 1

Most mornings I have diarhea, and before pregnancy I was always consitpated. I'm now 9 weeks along, and seem to have this problem most mornings. Is it possible to experience morning sickness 'come out the other end' rather than vomiting? (gross I know, sorry!)

2007-02-06 08:36:01 · 14 answers · asked by Peach Tree 3

One day I feel sick all day, the next day I feel fine. One night I cannot sleep because I am so naseous, the next I sleep like a baby. Is it normal for morning sickness to be so sporadic?

2007-02-06 08:32:12 · 8 answers · asked by Linda 3

I just found out I am pregnant and want to do everything possible to make this baby strong and healthy. How can I avoid a miscarriage and what can I do to help him grow healthy?

2007-02-06 08:30:36 · 9 answers · asked by Linda 3

I am 30wks 3 days pregnant.... 9wks 4 days until my due date and i don't know if i will make it til then!

I am soooo moody and irritable and uncomfortable. I'm tired beyond belief because i just can't sleep - if i do (miraculously) find a position in which to sleep its a given my baby will start kicking until i move... and then i'm uncomfortable again. I'm feeling really horrible on all fronts. I'm working full-time and this is draining my (already) low energy levels... half the time i feel like a zombie. Everything in my body aches more than usual. I've tried to be positive and stay healthy and active etc and so far its worked but i now feel like i'm reaching the ends of my reserves. I just want to sleep away the next nine weeks which is completely impossible. I'll be working for another 7wks. I'm constantly on the verge of tears for no reason and i just want this to be over!

Any advice ladies? I really need it!

2007-02-06 08:30:33 · 4 answers · asked by Smiley One 3

A good friend of mine is going through a high risk pregnancy.
She is a stay at home mom. Her husband does not get benefits through his job so he was paying out of pocket for it. Recently they ran into some hard times and could not afford to pay their premiums so their policy was cancelled. She is 7 months and is having a lot of complications now. She is very depresed. I did not know what to tell her, I suggested that she call around to see if an ob/gyn can bill her but she won't do it.
I don't know what else to tell her, I'm pregnant myself and this is stressing me out. What would you do if you were in her shoes?

2007-02-06 08:30:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

has any1 had a positive pregnancy test but found out they r not pregnant? I've used a predictor but the pink dot is very light.

2007-02-06 08:26:41 · 18 answers · asked by lib 1


i am nine weeks pregnant and have a really bad headache and i just need to know is it ok for me to take parcetamol (i dont think i spelt that right but you know what i mean)

2007-02-06 08:25:17 · 25 answers · asked by sweetness_1984uk 2

My friend and I are both pregnant with our first babies, I plan to breastfeed and she does not want to be breastfeed at all. She says breastfeeding is "yucky" and "gross", and that she doesn't even want to pump because even her friends say breastfeeding is nasty.

I was pretty shocked that she said this, I have three younger brothers and I watched my mom breastfeed all of them. I think breastfeeding is natural, beautiful and a great way for a mother to bond with her baby.

Everyone has their own opinion on breastfeeding and that's fine with me because its a personal choice. I just don't understand how something that is the most natural thing for a mother to do is considered "gross" and "yucky."

Any opinions? How do you feel abou this?

2007-02-06 08:23:24 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Right here it goes....I have been trying to get pregnant now for 5months without any luck :-(
This month my period was due on the 31st of january but was late by 1 day and then arrived it started off very light pink then went to a dark red but seemed like a light flow compared to usal and then it stopped 5 days after starting.
I had unprotected sex on the 31st of january day before period came, my period finished yesterday no brown blood or anything, but i have been having cramps in my tummy all day today and two little dots of brown blood also the past 3 days i have been exhausted like i have been totally washed out, i dont think this is my period as once i have finished my periods that will be it for 4 weeks till next period is due i know that without a doubt.
I asked a question on here about falling pregnant just before period was due and some women said it had happened to them.
do you think there is a possibility i could have fallen pregnant on the 31st?

2007-02-06 08:18:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

is there a such thing thing as pregnancy food... foods you eat when pregnant like an eggroll sandwich... I love them

2007-02-06 08:16:39 · 9 answers · asked by Red K 2

Im nearly 25 weeks and already Im waddling like a duck and can't see my feet when I stand straight. Im tired, have backache, twingy ligament pains, always breathless, loads more cellulite on my legs, loads more grey in my hair, huge chubby cheeks. Ive not been eating bad food too often or anything like that. I'm fed up! anyone else felt like this at this stage? how do u snap out of it or does it get worse?

2007-02-06 08:11:18 · 9 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5

Does it feel like a cramp, Im 36 1/2 weeks and I havent felt any braxton hicks, could this be it?

2007-02-06 08:05:45 · 6 answers · asked by natalie rose 3

What causes consistant bladder infections while pregnant and is it normal?

2007-02-06 07:58:55 · 7 answers · asked by chinostroza76 1

I am 40 weeks, have been 60%effaced for over 3 weeks, I was dilated to 2cm, 3 weeks ago, but now I closed and am at zero, how much longer any tips on what I can do to induce labor. I've had constant contractions every 15-20 min for 2 weeks. I can't stand the pressure any longer, what can I do?

2007-02-06 07:57:57 · 21 answers · asked by Yesi20 2

Okay, I'm 8 weeks pregnant with my first child, and I started getting morning sickness last week (week 7). That's all well and good, I expected it, but today has been awful with it. I can't hold anything down for more than an hour or so, except water stays down pretty well. Am I overreacting, because so far it hasn't been this bad, or should I be okay, I'm just confused.


2007-02-06 07:57:30 · 15 answers · asked by hott_momma_2_be 1

for the past few days i have been urinating for than usual. It isnt an abnormal colour and it doesn't smell or sting i just keep going! me and my finace have been trying for a baby for 7months however he only has 4% chance of having kids so its hard.
No other pregnancy symptoms but im due n in a week, its probably nothing so im not getting my hopes up but was wondering if any of you guys think i possibly could be. And did any of you have this symptom so early on in pregnancy? thanx

2007-02-06 07:54:01 · 9 answers · asked by Sexy Chick 2

I have always used birth control pills with my husband for years and I didn't get pregnant until we planned my recent pregnancy. I have never relied on condoms for birth control.

After our baby is born I plan to breastfeed, and I do not want to take birth control pills because we plan to have our children 2 to 2.5 years apart. I want nothing to affect my milk or fertility.

I am worried that condoms may fail and I will get pregnant too soon after the baby is born. What advice do you have for a breastfeeding mom trying to avoid another pregnancy? Did you plan to breastfeed and not go on the pill? How did it work out for you?

2007-02-06 07:50:36 · 24 answers · asked by PrettyWifey 2

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