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Pregnancy - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

2006-10-20 07:46:13 · 7 answers · asked by kutti 1

2006-10-20 07:43:46 · 10 answers · asked by Beverly 1

I am currently a little past the 38 weeks mark and I've yet to have a contraction. Is it normal to not really get a slight contraction being this for along? Could there be something wrong with the baby?

2006-10-20 07:43:16 · 9 answers · asked by michelle g 1

I'm trying to conceive and I'm doing all I can to increase my chances of getting pregnant. I just started doing fertility yoga and I was looking for some feedback on it.

2006-10-20 07:40:59 · 4 answers · asked by Coco 5

Sometimes it is minimul, and other times it is a sharp pain here and there. The pains do not make me double over or anything like that ( I have had 2 previous miscarriages before). I also have a 2 1/2 yr old son so I know I can have children, but I am making my self go NUTS with this. I just got over having a m/c, and also had minimul cramping 1 week prior to the m/c. HELP!

2006-10-20 07:37:02 · 18 answers · asked by kerstinlea 1

what should i do if im bleeding sometimes heavy and sometimes lightly....need answers

2006-10-20 07:36:21 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

my period is irregular. but it usually comes the first week of each month, only if i'm working out does it wait till maybe the second or last week of the month. i have not been working out. my period has never not come in a month, and certain not a month and half.

2006-10-20 07:20:42 · 25 answers · asked by jitwitit 2

I had a miscarriage about four years ago and had to have a dnc i went back to to the doctor for my check up after the dnc adn they saud every thing was healing good. i go every year for my pap and they say every thing looks fine i was just wondering if they can tell by doing the pap if i can still get pregnant.

2006-10-20 07:12:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ovulated on the 6th and had sex that day...i have been trying to concieve...my period is late but i don't have any symptoms except being tired all the time and breast a little tender to the touch....what could cause me to be late?

2006-10-20 07:01:30 · 12 answers · asked by Angel 1

happens at the same place. it's not a cramp so i'm not that worried but wonder if i should be concerned that it's not stetching and it's somethig more serious

i'm 20 weeks by the way

2006-10-20 06:54:55 · 5 answers · asked by confused mom 4

the first day of my last period started on april 7 or 8.....my cycles are regular....me and my boyfriend dont use condoms at all....he mostly ejaculates inside.....me and him get in a huge fight (not physically) on may 1....so i left .....ihad sex with someone else on may 2.......(with condom)my next period should be on may 6....but did'nt come......i took a dollar store brand test on (may 10.....and may 18) which came back positive......i went to the doctor on june 5....vaginal sonogram showed that i was in my 9th week of pregnancy.....im now 28weeks pregnant....and my due date is january 13th 07.......tell me how the heck could the other guy posible be the father.........my doctor also says that i conceived in april.....is'nt my bf crazy?.....he's helping me with my pregnancy and everything else.........he buys every thing for the baby.....but i think he's just plain crazy at time......does the other guy stand a chance?

2006-10-20 06:53:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

does the morning after pill cause a positive pregnancy test? If so how ling until She should test again. They want to keep the baby, but got scared before they knew and took the pill late, but has a positive test. Did the pill cause a positive test?

2006-10-20 06:43:34 · 8 answers · asked by sr22racing 5

throghout my entire pregnancy I had nothing but one trauma after and other. my husband was falsly arrested - no income, stability or sense of security. The hospital made a mistake claiming in the ultrasound my son was not normal. we were still stuck living in a motel as parole would not let my husaband go to our home. this took a daily tole on me and still is. we received a call from the radiologist saying my baby was fine and the doctor made a mistake, however in my 30th week I suffered placenta previa and they said the cord was wrapped around his neck. however i had not felt movent for only a week or two prior. The autopsy report states that the baby was perfectly formed and had no malformations and showed no signs of mental healh problems. I had always felt him moving but the emotional wreck I was throughout the whole preganancy brought on by numerous factors sickens me to think I should be holding my son right now had it not been for all the emotional trauma still our nightmar

2006-10-20 06:37:38 · 8 answers · asked by vnsscrftn 1

i just had my period and it was kind of heavy but yet i've been having signs of pregnancy like morning sickness, fatigue, and headaches

2006-10-20 06:28:39 · 15 answers · asked by Kalijha 2

My MD told me his head is far down into the pelvis and he is a little larger than he is suppose to be. I do feel him every so often just not like I use to. I have gone to the hosp twice already the l;ast week because of my concerns. Each time he is fine. I just want to know if decreased movement at this point in the pregnancy is normal.

2006-10-20 06:27:22 · 16 answers · asked by jblock36904 1

i have agreed to name the 1st name of the baby after the father if it is a boy, and the middle name would then be my fathers 1st name, who passed away a few years ago so baby boys name would be Carlos John (Dads last name).
Well here is the problem, if it is a girl he wants either the 1st or middle name to be Delia (that is his moms name, she is alive & doing well). He also has another daughter that is named Delilah. My arguement is that it is too close to his other childs name to even be considered. to me it is virtually the same it is one sylable off, to me it sounds very similar, he says its not. he also says that if i am honoring a parent then he should be able to do the same, i say it is different because my father is dead, his mother is alive.
today we got into this same discussion, and he pretty much said that if i dont give the girl his moms name then regardless as to what the sex of the baby is, it wont have his last name. am i in the wrong? or is my concern reasonable?

2006-10-20 06:25:16 · 33 answers · asked by miss me! 4

i found out that i am pregnant about 3 weeks ago and i told my bf but he said 4 me 2 get rid of it and i said no..and now hes saying he will see the kid but dont know what will go on between me and him cause he feels e is being trapped in2 something he dont wanna be trapped in2..but i love him loads and i dont know what i would do with out him..i dont know what 2 do..x

2006-10-20 06:20:15 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dating partner (47 year old) and I (28 year old) had been dating for 13 months. On Oct 13th, 2006, when I told him that I was pregnant with his children (8 weeks-twins), the guy wanted to leave me alone, not wanted to be with me and the baby, denied that it's not his baby, or trying to avoid taking responsibility for the baby. I am an international student, No family in Canada. The guy even threatened to not go for DNA test if I decide to deliver the babies. He asked me to talk to his lawyer and said in Canada No court order can force him to do the DNA test. In the other word, I can't prove he is the bio-father of the twins seeking some child support in the future. I don't know whether to go for abortion or deliver the babies to punish him. Please help!

2006-10-20 06:17:14 · 23 answers · asked by Lil 1

2006-10-20 06:13:47 · 19 answers · asked by sister 1

But after about 30 minutes the faint line became very noticeble. I know that whatever a test shows after about 20 minutes is not accurate but do you think I am? I honestly really don't feel any different except my boobies hurt a little but I usually get that b4 my period it's due tomorrow, I'm going crazy here I will test again tomorrow morning.

2006-10-20 06:10:52 · 18 answers · asked by JEJEMMY♥♥ 2

I took 3 hpt and all of them had faint lines. Then i went to the doctor and the pee test said no. My breast have been real tender and my periods been late. Could i be pregnant?

2006-10-20 06:03:15 · 10 answers · asked by Terril 1

2006-10-20 06:00:56 · 1 answers · asked by allegra 1

I was told the other day that if a women goes into labour while in tesco or asda, she will receive baby goodies. Does anyone know if this is true or has it happened to you??

2006-10-20 06:00:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like garlic bread with a big scoop of ice cream on it.

2006-10-20 05:59:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-20 05:57:50 · 10 answers · asked by phat and loving it 1

How many months (or weeks) along was you when you started to get acne and breakouts?

2006-10-20 05:54:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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