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Politics - 19 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

hope algore gets elected for next US president

2007-10-19 13:07:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-19 13:03:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

George W. Bush wants a North American Union ,free trade ,
and no funding for the SCHIP program .

2007-10-19 13:00:34 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

What can we do about it? US corporations who make their money off of americans have no loyality to keep their jobs in america.

2007-10-19 12:54:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fighting for America
Standing up for your fellow Americans
Believing in American products
Believing that Americans were better workers

Today the term has been bastardized to mean "worships the dollar and will sell out his country, countryman, God, and family for his own gain".

2007-10-19 12:50:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

.....like the cockroach Peter Stark and the moveon.org crown, and Bert T.

I served honorably from 1971 to 1991 to include one combat tour in Vietnam.

Liberals are worthless pieces of feces in my book!!

2007-10-19 12:45:16 · 20 answers · asked by ? 2

I am a Jew and a Conservative and I wonder if this should be allowed. Skim through the article on Foxnews before replying.


2007-10-19 12:42:03 · 8 answers · asked by Bing Bong Bao 3

give as many details or examples as u want

2007-10-19 12:37:42 · 17 answers · asked by Mimi 2

A bit of history for you. In the 1980s, the social security fund was in serious trouble over cost of living increases, which were tied into the system by law.
The solve the impeding shortfalls, the formula for calculating inflation was changed. Energy cost, food, medical and prescribtion drug cost, and many other staples of everyday life were given less weight in the formula. Items that historically drop from year to year, like TVs, computers and other electronics were given more weight in the formula.
Basically, the things you most most of you money on isn't even considered in inflation these days.
Just this week it was announced that people on social security would get the lowest increase in history, 2.1%. This was lauded as a triumph in flation, yet food, gas, heat will all cost more money.
Increases in the cost of these items are now called the declining dollar value.
Call it what you want. It's still inflation.

2007-10-19 12:34:20 · 9 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6

Does anyone need further proof that they stole the land? with US, UN and British support?

And we talk about Freedom and Democracy.

2007-10-19 12:34:15 · 16 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2

I consider George W. Bush as the Greatest President in American History.

2007-10-19 12:30:23 · 31 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7

The Truth Behind Bush's Healthcare Veto

Two recent news items remind us of the disconnect between the Democrats' claimed monopoly on compassion and the effects of their policies.
First, consider the emotionally charged public debate over President Bush's veto of a proposed expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Programs.
Standing by congressional Democrats in their push to override the veto, singer Paul Simon said with earnest indignation, "The president's veto of the reauthorization of SCHIP appears to be a heartless act. I'm here today to ask those of you who supported the veto to re-examine your conscience, to find compassion in your heart for our most vulnerable and sweetest citizens, our children."
Giving him the benefit of the doubt, the compassionate Simon is obviously unaware that the matter is not as simple as merely throwing money at the problem. To quote House Minority Leader John Boehner, "There are 500,000 kids in America who are eligible for this program who have not been signed up, yet there are some 700,000 adults who are already on the program."
Simon, unlike the Democrats pulling his puppet strings, must not realize that President Bush supports a $5 billion expansion, not reduction, of the program, or that the Democrats' plan goes far beyond providing a safety net to the needy.
It would allow states to make coverage available to families with incomes greater than $60,000 a year, which would entice people who can well afford private health insurance to opt for state coverage.
Is it good for the children for Democrats to exploit them as props in their quest to force socialized medicine on this nation, one incremental step at a time? Will the inevitably long waiting lines and substantially reduced quality of care be good for the children?
Why can't congressional Democrats just admit they have a soft spot for socialism: that they believe capitalism results in too much economic disparity and that government — the Constitution be damned — should redistribute wealth to suit their ideas of fairness? Never mind that a command-control economy results in a smaller economic pie.
What matters is they care, and by gosh, they're willing to forcibly transfer other people's money to prove it.
As another example, consider the Democrats' obstruction of President Bush's efforts to reform Social Security. Who can forget the Democrats' (Bill Clinton's, Al Gore's) insistence that the future solvency of this entitlement was in such jeopardy that it must be placed off limits in a lock box?
Yet when President Bush attempted to reform this "third rail of politics," Democrats didn't just oppose the eminently sensible "partial privatization" aspect of his plan. They went further, completely reversing themselves and denying the system was in trouble at all.
Our old friend Sen. Harry Reid said, "Social Security is not in crisis. It's a crisis the president's created, period . . . The president has never seen a crisis he hasn't created . . . [Bush is] exaggerating the solvency."
This time they went to the other end of the chronological spectrum and used seniors as props.
Here again, they pretended to be intervening for the very group of people their demagogic opposition was sure to harm: future Social Security recipients. Demonstrating once more their contempt for the private sector and free markets, they tried to scare seniors into believing President Bush was imperiling Social Security with his very modest proposal to allow participants to invest a small portion of their own funds.
Bush's valiant effort was dead on arrival, and we kicked the ball down the road. This week, we were reminded of the consequences of this reckless procrastination when the first baby boomer of a projected 80 million, Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, applied for her benefits. Despite the Democrats' denials in the name of protecting seniors –- most of whom are not yet seniors –- Social Security outlays are projected to exceed its receipts by 2041.
In the meantime, Democrat presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, in the spirit of compassion, is advancing new plans every other week to dole out yet more government money to various groups of voters, er, beneficiaries. These newly promised funds obviously will not be available to pay off maturing Social Security IOUs. But without the slightest self-consciousness, Hillary rails against President Bush for irresponsibly increasing the deficit — though the deficit is, in fact, decreasing. But don't you ever forget how much she cares about the children whose financial future she's mortgaging.
Just believe her and her colleagues that it is evil Republicans who are bankrupting our children with tax cuts that have grown the economy and shrunk the deficit.
Conservatives must be prepared in this campaign season to return to their own free-market principles and expose the liberals' compassion for the ruse it is

2007-10-19 12:26:57 · 13 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

“It should be clear to us that there is no room in Palestine for these two peoples. No `development' will bring us to our goal of independent nationhood in this small country. Without the Arabs, the land will become wide and spacious for us; with the Arabs, the land will remain sparse and cramped.”

These were the words that Joseph Weitz, director of the Zionist Jewish National Fund, wrote in his diary in 1940.

2007-10-19 12:24:21 · 15 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2

"Right to Life" doesn't just pertain to stem cells and embrios. It also pertains to those embrios which have been born, including those children of lower and middle class families that can't afford health insurance for them, to preserve their lives and the quality of their lives, and can't afford to

America has just been challenged to support their Right to Life of these unfortunate children, and come up wanting. This is a failure of all Americans:

A failure of Democratic politicians to get the SChip bill passed

A failure of George Bush and Republican politicians to have the same compassion and generosity for needy children that they have shown for the wealthiest among us.

And a failure of all Americans to demand better of their government.

Why do some of us limit our respect for human life to that human life which has not yet left the womb?

This is a sad comment on American compassion, and on Christianity, We should all be ashamed that we've let this happen.

2007-10-19 12:23:58 · 12 answers · asked by Don P 5


Many of Clinton’s Chinatown donors said they had contributed because leaders in neighborhood associations told them to. In some cases, donors said they felt pressure to give…
The Times examined the cases of more than 150 donors who provided checks to Clinton after fundraising events geared to the Chinese community. One-third of those donors could not be found using property, telephone or business records. Most have not registered to vote, according to public records.

2007-10-19 12:21:52 · 13 answers · asked by charbatch 3


2007-10-19 12:10:46 · 13 answers · asked by Iupiter Stator 3

Are Liberals paying attention to the major downsides of ethanol?

Prices have soared and will continue to soar as America takes more and more of the crops that it grows and uses it for ethanol. How can poor people in Africa afford to pay twice as much for food as they have in the past?

It takes 1,700 gallons of water to grow the corn needed to produce one gallon of ethanol. Ethanol and draining aquifers far too fast. People will pay the price.

In order to produce grains for both food and ethanol, we'll need to cut down even more forests.

2007-10-19 11:59:37 · 14 answers · asked by How Big is Your Govt Check 3


2007-10-19 11:57:05 · 6 answers · asked by St. Tom Cruise 3

I was just having a really sureal moment watching Fox news

It was almost as if the cult leader married a corperate fat cat and the child was Fox

2007-10-19 11:48:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does any of this information affect your opinion about Iraq and/or the WMD situation?

The first is the comments of one of Saddam's ex-Generals:

The second is regarding UNMOVIC and the Prime Minister of Canada's:

The third is a video of Pres. Bill Clinton.

--Please check out all the information before answering--

2007-10-19 11:46:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

FISA would have let them spy on international phone calls or individuals with activity patterns suggestive of international conspiracy, but the Patriot Act is so much better because it sets domestic citizens in the spotlight regardless of their activity! I don't know about you, but I never did trust the Jones family down the street and I'm glad the government is finally going to get involved and sort them out without having to find any pesky probable cause.

I know I'm personally sick of not having a personal FBI agent following me around and protecting me! If only I could be so lucky as to come home and see all my personal property upturned and scattered around my house - then I'd feel really safe.

I know I couldn't sleep at night before when the government had to get a warrant to spy on citizens with no international connections, what about you?

Source: Full text PDF of the judge's ruling

2007-10-19 11:40:42 · 20 answers · asked by freedom first 5

Our Two Term President, 4 Star General Petraeus, Joe Lieberman and Ex President Bill Clinton who say they support the war.


MoveOn.org, DailyKos, Al Qaida, Hamas, George Soros & Cindy Sheehan who call the war 'illegal' and blame America

Where do you come down?

2007-10-19 11:22:47 · 20 answers · asked by DANCER 2

Well what happened today to your premature celebration- POOF !!! Gone (all major U.S. markets down +- 2.5 %), oil tops $90.00/ barrel, national debt at record highs (psst- leads to higher taxes sooner or later), record foreclosure rates, record low savings rates, REAL wages down (counts price of housing, gas, electricity, food, etc.), rapidly shrinking middle class, "robust economy" my aching asterisk. Can you see the BIG picture? Let me guess, some of you still believe our Liar In Chief (aka. Li'l bush), don't you?

2007-10-19 11:20:41 · 15 answers · asked by HP 4

Gee. I wonder why?

2007-10-19 11:16:14 · 15 answers · asked by charbatch 3

Listening to his speech today made me want to laugh at his hypocrisy.... No wonder other despots are acting as they wish.

2007-10-19 11:15:34 · 6 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2

can not find $3 billion to insure children.
"I’m just amazed that the Republicans are worried that we can’t pay for insuring an additional 10 million children,” he said. “They sure don’t care about finding $200 billion to fight the illegal war in Iraq. Where are you going to get that money? You are going to tell us lies like you’re telling us today? Is that how you’re going to fund the war? You don’t have money to fund the war or children, but you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President’s amusement."

2007-10-19 11:13:11 · 16 answers · asked by johnfarber2000 6

Liberal are in denial over the war on terror. They claim it doesn't exist.
Conservatives are in denial over the economy. They claim the country is in fine financial shape.
Will either side ever open their eyes on these two important issues?

2007-10-19 11:09:01 · 9 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6

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