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Other - News & Events - June 2007

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Is this a symptom of a our society or is a cause of our society?
Is this becoming an increasing phenomena or was it always there but too taboo to speak about or didn't we have enough data in the past to document how widespread this is?
can something be done?
What are your opinions?

2007-06-20 00:20:58 · 6 answers · asked by Snake Eyes 6

please tell me what is mean of DEPATCHED

2007-06-19 23:37:58 · 5 answers · asked by hari 1

Dont you think she is the hottest girl there is? i love her so much i wanna marry her and i would do
ANY THING to her you name it i would do it. i hope she is okay in jail i wish i could be in their with her i love her so much.

2007-06-19 16:08:33 · 7 answers · asked by Lance 2

Please answer! Homework help!

2007-06-19 14:38:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A Gallery of Dishonor

2007-06-19 09:55:59 · 4 answers · asked by muslim-doctor 3

what is happening

2007-06-19 09:52:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

if it was such of a suprise why do we have like a million different camera views??? were they just waiting there for the plane to show up?? lol i dont get it?? i understand them having ffotage of the second attack or maybe like 5 minutes after the building was hit but they have footage from like 2 minutes before the pane even comes into view??? how did they get these camera views????

2007-06-19 08:41:33 · 13 answers · asked by Dan G 2

Would the Government be right to stop it happening?
Do we have the right to harm children in this way?

2007-06-19 08:37:04 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please please please please help MEEEE!!!!?
I'm going stark raving bl00dy mad!!!! I'm bored in my dead end job with no prospects counting the weeks till i leave and join the Army. Please can someone brighten up my day with a sentence or two!! x x x

2007-06-19 04:05:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know when there is going to be dates for the reunion tour?also how much do you think the tickets will cost?

2007-06-19 02:20:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

to protect your family and property from these vermin. i have my own solution and it does not involve police.

2007-06-19 01:05:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-19 01:02:56 · 8 answers · asked by Candi Apples 7

ok so what are you planning to do this summer?

2007-06-19 00:58:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Having read meny of the postings calling for the authorities to "investigate" and in some cases arrest the McCann's there is something I do not understand.
The petition that has been set up is based I guess on some peoples need for Social services etc to stage an investigation.
It has been pointed out on this site meny times that statistically there is a high percentage of Child abduction perpatrated by Family and relatives.
I accept this as true.
If we know that, then both Social services and the other authorities involved including the police will know that.
It has been suggested time and again that there in-action is based on some form of class bias in favour of the McCanns, I struggle to accept this, no investigation because they are Doctors !! oh come on.
Is it possable, just possable that the authorities have looked into the McCanns part in all this and feel there is no case to answer in terms of there involvement in the abduction & possably the events leading up to it ?

2007-06-18 20:28:36 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

What on earth has he done to deserve one of this countries highest honours.
All he has ever done is write a book which has caused nothing but trouble all over the world and I can think of plenty of Authors who have written books far superior to his rubbish.
I thought that Knighthoods were for special people who have done something great for their country not those who insult others.
Is it time now to do away with this old and crazy tradion and make a new award called the Peoples award?
What do you think?

2007-06-18 20:21:16 · 21 answers · asked by mentor 5

The People's Initiative to STOP the War!
That's 8:00 am in whatever time zone you happen to be in.

Like a wave from the East Coast,
To the shores of the West.
With the will of the People riding it's crest.
It will happen at the grassroots,
It will be seen at the top.
Let's tell this President,
This War it must......STOP.
So STOP for a moment ,
an hour, a day.
STOP the economy (car),
I dare say.
'Cause this ain't our fight
and we're not gonna pay!
The Congress are pansies,
They hide in a dome.
So it's up to us,
To get our boys back home.
So in the middle of rush hour.
Or wherever you are.
(The slow pace of rush hour,
is the safest by far.)
Hold up a sign or something.
Let's put a STOP to this War!

Check out my Answers profile!
Jim Athans Presidential Candidate

2007-06-18 18:34:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-18 17:48:52 · 8 answers · asked by Electronic Geek 3

Which method defines what a milf is? : is it
A. a woman who has a child and still looks hot after giving birth or
B. a woman who has adopted a child but still is technically called a mom even though she didnt give birth to the child?

2007-06-18 16:05:13 · 6 answers · asked by K.G. 4

2007-06-18 13:20:56 · 5 answers · asked by Kevin 6

Here is an article called: 'What Every American Should Know About Iraq'
The guy has a bias. But he has organized his research to make it easy to see the argument he's putting forth.
People on different sides of this, and other issues should do the same.
Instead we just get hyperbole, name calling, red herrings, etc.


2007-06-18 06:49:58 · 1 answers · asked by Bobby the K 3

They claim panic attacts, but profusely sweating, not eating fever...looks like a duck must be a duck

2007-06-18 05:32:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Freight trains every YEAR haul 5 MILLION TONS of Dangerous Poisons and Chemicals throughout the Cities and towns in America*... They don't even have to tell or declare what they are transporting to anyone, anywhere, at anytime... Is this a potential target for terrorists*? Be afraid, be very very afraid*........

2007-06-18 03:00:56 · 4 answers · asked by dca2003311@yahoo.com 7

So what is the feud of hollywood that made headlines and shocked u the most

2007-06-18 02:05:56 · 4 answers · asked by MoonCow 3


Now let us consider spending. According to Portfolio.com, the combined cost of the Iraq war (Operation Iraqi Freedom, in Pentagon jargon) and its companions, Operation Enduring Freedom, in Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terror, could easily top $600 billion this year. But the overall cost is even higher, exceeding perhaps $2 trillion. The annual congressional appropriations for the wars — averaging $127 billion — are bigger than the global markets for soap, heroin, or gambling. And the spending is growing. Monthly spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan averaged $6.8 billion in 2006. That figure is now closer to $8 billion a month.
Portfolio adds:
At that rate of burn, General Electric's value would be wiped out in three and a half years, Bill Gates' personal fortune would evaporate in just seven months, and the troubled Ford Motor Co. would cease to exist in a matter of weeks. If you think of the wars as a giant impulse buy using an unlimited credit card, then paying it off would require coming up with enough cash to match the GDP of three Irelands or about 11 Kuwaits or the Netherlands — but only if you throw in Sri Lanka.
Before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Colin Powell warned President Bush that if you break it, you buy it. At last count, we've bought the equivalent of 10 Iraqs with your tax dollars. But instead of buying 10, the money has gone to completely destroying one country.
But surely this money is going to more than just war. What about the effort to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure? Well, if you know anything about government building projects, you know there is not a record of success. Pick any Section-8 housing project anywhere in the country and you will find a long record of mismanagement, misallocation, and waste. So it is in Iraq. These reconstruction projects that war supporters have heralded have amounted to little or nothing.
At the Baghdad airport, for example, your tax dollars paid for $11.8 million in new electrical generators. But $8.6 million worth of them are no longer functioning. The problems with generators in Baghdad are legendary: low oil, broken fuel lines, missing batteries, and the like. The water purification system for the city is no longer working. At the maternity hospital in Erbil, an incinerator for medical waste was padlocked and officials can't find the key. So syringes, bandages, and drug vials are clogging the sewage system and contaminating the water.
Now, how did we get all this information? A federal oversight agency went to inspect a sample of eight projects that US officials in Iraq had declared to be a success. Of these eight successes, seven of them were not actually functioning at all due to plumbing and electrical failure, poor maintenance, looting, and just general neglect. Keep in mind that these are the projects that the US government declared successes! The failures must be abysmal beyond belief.
So too with myriad state programs, among which is the Global War on Terror. There is no standard by which it can be considered a success. But as we know, data only get you so far. If you ask the people who the establishment considers to be experts in terrorism, they are united in one belief: we aren't spending enough money on the effort. Every agency needs more power and money, they say. The reason for the failure is a lack of resources. If we would just fork over more, all will be well.
It is precisely this rationale that led socialism in Russia to last 70 years and drive the entire country into the ground. Those of us who watched this calamity from a distance were astonished that a failure could last so long. Can't the government look around and see what a disaster they have created? Can't they see that while their people were lining up blocks for a scrap of bread and dying at the age of 60, ours were shopping in massive department stores and living to 70 and 75? Why isn't it obvious what a failure socialism has been?
Well, one thing is clear in the social sciences: nothing is obvious to the experts. The reason has to do with their perception of cause and effect. The supporters of socialism always believed that more money and better management would take care of the problem. Every failure was caused by something outside of the system that a perfection of the management system would correct.
So it is with the war on terror. All the experts counsel more spending and power. It never occurs to them that the war itself is the problem. All problems are blamed on some other factor: sectarianism, outside interference, a demagogic new leader, poor management, or what have you. The excuses can be manufactured without end.
And then there is the overwhelming factor that the war on terror can only be considered a failure from the point of view of the stated aims. It is not a failure for those who directly benefit from the increased funding and power. And it is an indisputable fact that the government has benefited massively from the war on terror.
Ludwig von Mises said that the great accomplishment of economists was to draw attention to the extreme limits on the power of government. His point was not merely that government should be limited, but that it is limited by the very structure of reality. It cannot make all people rich by its own initiative. It cannot provide universal housing, literacy, and health. It cannot raise wages across the board. It cannot ban products. Those who seek to accomplish economic ends such as these are choosing the wrong means. That is because there is something more powerful than government: namely economic law.
And what is economic law? It is a force that operates within the structure of all societies everywhere that governs the production and allocation of material resources and time according to strict bounds of what is possible. Some things are just not possible. It just so happens that this includes most of the demands that are made by the public and pressure groups on the government. This was the great discovery of the modern science of economics. This was not known by the ancients. It was not known by the fathers of the early church. It was the discovery of the medieval schoolmen, and the insight was gradually elaborated upon and systematized over the centuries, culminating in the classical and Austrian traditions of thought.
The power of government to do what we desire is strictly limited. Those who do not understand this point do not understand economics. And the economic teaching has a broader implication that concerns the organization of society itself. Government is not free to make and unmake society as it sees fit. It is not a tool we can use to fulfill our private dreams. Society is too complicated, too far reaching, too much a reflection of the free volition of individual actors, for government to be able to accomplish its ends. Most often, what government attempts to do — whether abolish poverty, end liquor consumption, or make all citizens literate and healthy — ends up backfiring and generating the exact opposite.

2007-06-17 14:23:38 · 5 answers · asked by MIkE ALEGRIA 1

2007-06-17 09:03:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Mayan civilization, known for the accuracy in their calendars and predictions, have determined the world will end in December of 2012. Also a couple of other none related ancient civilizations have made the same prediction for 2012. Do you think as the year approaches, we will hv similar hysteria as we had asssociated with Y2K ???

2007-06-17 07:54:25 · 7 answers · asked by gemini6187 2

It was suppose to have become extinct in the 1880"s*. I saw one in Brookville Pa. drinking from a stream in the early 60"s*. There have been reports of them in Clinton, Potter, Bedford, Tioga Counties and other Counties in Pa.*Have you seen any or found signs of them like hair, blood,feces, foot prints? Pictures or Videos*...

2007-06-17 03:44:32 · 1 answers · asked by dca2003311@yahoo.com 7

do you think the goverment should bring this service back again,?It will bring violence down on the streets,kids who were old enough to go to national service would have plenty to do,a wage,and may be a trade when the time is up, I myself think this would solve a lot of problems, do anyone else agree with me?

2007-06-16 17:05:16 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

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