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Who are they? Why did they take 2 Israeli soldiers hostage? What precipitated the fighting between Israel and Lebanon and what does Syria and Iran have to do with it all?

2006-07-17 08:38:39 · 13 answers · asked by nette m 2

2006-07-17 08:31:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Revenge is a dish that can be eaten cold!! Besides, what can you EXPECT from a pig but a grunt?!!!!!

2006-07-17 08:27:05 · 6 answers · asked by Moncef M 1


Congress is so retarted if they do this! They should realize that this will never work because the whole economy would have to restructure itself so they can figure out sales tax and pricing issues, it would be a mess and the stockmarket would flop even more then it is right now. If they do go through w/ it, I'm guessing it's going to be like when the U.S. tried to switch over to metric in the 70's or 80's and found out that it confused the crap out of everyone then went back to normal.

2006-07-17 08:09:02 · 8 answers · asked by Alex K 2

they should have them at an uncharted island so normal people won't have to be expose to this kind of trash!!! how many of you agree.... I bet tons!

2006-07-17 07:47:27 · 5 answers · asked by lara croft 1

Do they ALL honestly believe they are a 'chosen people' with some kind of God given right to the land they call Israel? Don't they realise how arrogant and wrong that is? Don't they have any respect whatsoever for non-jewish people? How can they possibly support what their government is doing? The simple fact is that no matter how bad the attacks from Hezbollah and Hamas were, Israel's response has been massively disproportionate, reckless and irresponsible. How can a diplomatic government get away with this murder? Why are the Jews allowing this to happen, doesn't judaism teach peace?

2006-07-17 07:37:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have lived here for 20 years and consider my self both a city dweller and also a suburbanite yet I have rarely heard about horrific crimes much less been a victim of one. All of the recent press about it however has me considering a move for my children's sake? Do you think all of the crime statistic press does anything positive or does it only scare and unsettle people?

2006-07-17 07:27:26 · 13 answers · asked by hotsauceg 2

Additional Details

8 minutes ago
Are you people that oblivious? Is your hatred for the middle east that great, that it hinders you to think of it rationally?
I agree that there are some civilians in israel can be extreme, but for those that aren't, are we suppose to kill them? I mean, not everyone in the world likes america, but you don't see them killing the civilians who voiced their concern for both the side of america, and the middle east. I mean, in 9/11 they did kill civilians, do you think they think we're innocent civlians, even if we side with them? Prehaps there are some against us, but for those that aren't, should they die too?

6 minutes ago
Bryn, if there is a war on terrorism, do you kill those that don't support you, or do you convince them? You see us killing all the middle east countries just because they don't agree with us? Did we have a meeting to convince north korea, or did we just go there and kill them because they have powerful missiles?

3 minutes ago
Jeanne, do you know anything? Have you ever even experienced hardship before? We may be living our life of luxury in america, but they're living in slumps, that maybe if they risk their lives for money, instead of their entire family dying, maybe only he will. You have to emphasize on how they feel, and look upon us, and themselves. Don't be so oblivious to the world.

1 minute ago
And finally you ino, i bet you don't even know why they want that area in israel, why they call it the holy land, why moses went there. Comment when you really know what is going on.
As you the rest of you that says i'm wrong, could you at least give me a reason?

2006-07-17 07:26:37 · 3 answers · asked by tomhanken 3

look if u think war is nice...then don't answer my question. for the people who have feeling...do u think war is sick??? sad??? do u think of all the people that die every day because of war?? do u think of how much they get hurt?? do u think of the mothers that cry over there dead babies?? of all the children who get hurt?? plz tell me as much as u can..

2006-07-17 07:18:16 · 12 answers · asked by gH3Tt0o PrInCesS 4

Is Bush 100% Funded by Israel?

2006-07-17 06:59:13 · 14 answers · asked by All Star 4

2006-07-17 06:54:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

just wondering,

2006-07-17 06:51:48 · 16 answers · asked by halaloea 2

This is not kidding. This acronym stands for a real sentence. To help you, I add:
the "r" stands for reckless
the "c" stands for country
the "w" stands for world

can you guess what?

Can you guess what?

2006-07-17 06:46:05 · 2 answers · asked by M_A_saBet 2

Spreading ourselves out too thin. Controling everything and having domestic sriff at the same time?

2006-07-17 06:45:50 · 19 answers · asked by Doug B 3

Not all of you.

How can you support the war that is going on rightnow? Innocent civilians are dieing and Israel is using internationally banned weapons and breaking US sanctions. Every nation has the right to defend itself but no to this extent. All nations including the US never commit such horrible crimes and massacres against civilians when they're in war with another nation.

Alot of the Israeli military supporters are basing their support on racism and hate towards the people of the middle east. And then they wonder why terrorism and hatred is increasing towards the US and Israeli people. You see when you show commit excessive violence against people, you move them to avenge their race. I don't see terrorist bombing people in Germany? Is that because Germany never committed savage crimes against Arabs and Muslims? Yes.

2006-07-17 06:45:29 · 10 answers · asked by surgicalgod123 2

So, i was having lunch with a fellow friend of mine, we would usually read the newspaper, then argue about the issues occuring today. Anyways, today, they had so much emphasis on the war in the gulf region.

We as united states are said to support or aid israel in the conflict. What are our benefits for the support for israel exactly? The so-called war on terrorism? Or does it have to do with the hostility we have for the middle east region? Or maybe it could be because israel might be attacked in all four fronts? Even from all these reasons why, are we really looking for peace? I mean, think about, shouldn't we be disarming those countries and factions that arm the two countries in turmoil, instead of aiding the countries with more weapons to fight? And because i'm not going to accuse syria or iran that may or may not aid the war effort, maybe we should investigate into, as which country or faction is has the arms, and blockade them from delivering the weapons. If there are no weapons to fight, there would be no war, if we aid with more weapons, the war will continue and accelerate. I have no doubt that the staff of america have thought about that before, maybe Bush wants to let israel have this war, i mean, it's more then obvious that he has iran, and other middle east countries on his agenda to "control" the world in his excuse as so-called "war on terrorism".

I support our effort to get rid of terrorism, but is it worth it to have wars, and start killing innocent civilians just so we can feel the comfort of ridding terrorism? I mean, seriously, how can we get rid of terrorism completely, be realistic, of how many people in the world, it'll never happen as long as we have nationalism, and imperialism. Patriotism is great for a country, but it also create hostility against other countries, and the media isn't the only thing that creates it.

My point is, if you really wanted peace, you would stop the weapon delivering process insteading of aiding with more weapons for detruction, or all your talks about restraint on israel so it doesn't create mass murder is all bs. You wanted a war, and you know it! So just quit the fuaking bs, and tell us that. We as civilians have a right to know.

You know, there has been ideas that instead of having a war, maybe the leaders of the countries should be in a boxing ring, to box it out, instead of killing innocent people just because you don't like the leader.


2006-07-17 06:38:56 · 17 answers · asked by tomhanken 3

Shouldn't this be the first and most important issue we teach our kids?

2006-07-17 06:36:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Israel has received some painful strikes from Hizbullah, which is not a country with a formal army, it is just a political party with a military wing backed by this country or that. Did you notice this? What are the implications?

To me, the implications can be summarized in one point: Israel is not as strong as it was thought to be. This was clear in the 1973 war in which Egypt taught Israel a lesson for at least one week, but when the USA intervened with its army, Israel was rescued but at the end the war ended with an Egyptian victory that made Egypt get back parts of its land and forced Israel to sign a peace treaty with Egypt some years later. But now things are getting more clear. Israel is suffering in front of Hizbullah although Israel is America's warehouse of most advanced weapons. So what?

I just advise Israel not to provoke more Arab and Muslim hatred against it because EGYPT + IRAN + SYRIA + PAKISTAN are all together so tough for the zionist country. Lol. So good!

2006-07-17 06:28:32 · 7 answers · asked by M_A_saBet 2

for killing Canadians

2006-07-17 06:05:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-17 05:54:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

And if so, what is the best course of action against this new sentiment?

2006-07-17 05:46:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

And that most terrorists that have bombed around the world is due to the animosity toward Israel and the west's support for it? Do you beleive no terrorist actions would have occurred if we had given Israel to the arabs, internationalized jerusalem, for after all, its a religious icon not only to judaism, but christianity and Islam as well. And given the jews nebraska, american citizenship and 200 billion dollars (amount equal to our investment on the war on terror)?

2006-07-17 05:30:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is just like killing someone in his own house???

2006-07-17 05:27:02 · 1 answers · asked by halaloea 2

don't u know that Lebanon is a country with malti faithes living together,
how would israel knows that she is killing a muslem family and even if she did,,is this justafiable?
is this kiddnaped soldiour is really of much value of those citizen,
what i think is that israel is trying to insert the islam terror terms to sound more (american) hope this will help,,
the arab-israel conflict has never been but jew and non jew conflict
as lots of israel arabs are christens and still being treated as (muslems) if u like!

2006-07-17 05:10:53 · 13 answers · asked by halaloea 2

serious answers only- please!

2006-07-17 05:00:33 · 14 answers · asked by chicago 2

With the reaction the ensued with two buildings falling down---the economy going into a depression and millions of jobs lost in a day. One has to wonder what would happen if a whole city were obliterated? Furthermore, what would happen if Israel were obliterated? What would the American people do?

Furthermore, what if the aggressor did not identify himself---if north korea sells a weapon to Iran, which in turn gives it to a terrorist cell to obliterate Israel? Would we just become isolationist? totalitarian? or hunt all black markets around the planet? Nuke every aggressor nation that supports terrorist? give them 48 hours to hand over all nukes and surrender regime or we nuke them?

I think this day of post-apocalyptic doom is overdue--and I am pretty sure Americans would (over-reaction?) and obliterate Iran and N Korea off the map, with stricter security world-wide--This would be the real deal for a NEW world order. Thoughts?

2006-07-17 04:55:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

with a whole lot of innocent people? seriously think a about it for a second. doesnt it make you kinda sick?

2006-07-17 04:54:15 · 5 answers · asked by midi_junkie 3

sounds like a cop out and a poor excuse to test AMERICAN WEAPONRY.. we love you isreal! heh.. dont the jews have anything better to do than sit around and bomb a bunch of civilains eating in a cafe? what a bunch of sick greedy savages.

2006-07-17 04:42:58 · 8 answers · asked by midi_junkie 3

How hot is it where you are? Where are you?

2006-07-17 04:27:23 · 5 answers · asked by John 5

when u see George Bush wasting your tax money just trying to make Israel's dreams in the middle east a reality? As Americans, don't you feel that the people in the Bush Administration who r more loyal to Israel than to the US r just harming u and wasting your money and killing your soldiers just for the sake of extremist zionism? or has the US media brainwashed you completely and made you think that Israel is really so nice and romantic and that its people are the chosen people of God (really?! how come that a God can be so biased for some of his creatures against all the others?! crap!!!) and that the Arabs are nothing but as*holes and terrorists? did your media tell you that Israel is still occupying Palestine and parts of Syria and Lebanon and that any nation has the right to militarily resist miliatary occupation? were the "founding fathers" of the US terrorists when they militarily resisted the British?

sometimes I just feel Americans are so kind but a bit naiive and uninformed

2006-07-17 04:26:24 · 4 answers · asked by M_A_saBet 2

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