sounds like a cop out and a poor excuse to test AMERICAN WEAPONRY.. we love you isreal! heh.. dont the jews have anything better to do than sit around and bomb a bunch of civilains eating in a cafe? what a bunch of sick greedy savages.
8 answers
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you dont have to agree with me.. if youre jewish.. please go elsewhere.. i dont need your angst posted on my thread.
04:43:51 ·
update #1
hafia wasnt originally isreal. i never said it wasnt fool.
04:55:35 ·
update #2
it was one soldier originally.. good try tho. the jews should accept they have no place in this world. maybe they should all be on an island.. like anartica. then they can play their nice little fun jewish games.. like spin the dreddle.. or however you spell it. ich spreche judish nicht.. es tut mir leid.
05:00:20 ·
update #3
Many political leaders have an agenda that if simply enacted would cause both internal and external political problems. So they need an event that allows them to play the victim/hero. They then react disproportionately and say they had no choice. Bush wanted to invade Iraq, Israel wants to bomb Lebanon. We hear about the kidnapped soldiers, we hear about the rockets fired into Haifa as causes of this crisis but we hear nothing about the people spending the day at a Gaza beach who were killed by Israeli bombs. Thats what prompted the rocket attacks.
2006-07-17 05:17:15
answer #1
answered by key2x4y 2
Where were you last night. This question has already been
answered. Just like everyone told the last guy, this is about
alot more than one kidnapped soldier. You need to do your
research and get the facts straight! The U.N set another one of
its resolutions on Lebanon and they didn't follow it due to the
Terrorists running there country. Lebanon government is just
a pawn in this. The American Lebanese are actually happy that
something is finally being done about the Hezbollah and I take it
you like terrorists! Well I don't . I don't want them running any
countries! We also know that they are being backed by Iran.
We definitely don't need Iran ruling the roost so to speak with
it's idea of getting nukes and all. Israel is fighting the war on
terror and defending there own country. I don't think the US would
be happy or any other country if the Hezbollah walked in and decided to kidnapp a few soldiers, set off a few bombs and try
and take over.
2006-07-17 11:55:50
answer #2
answered by sally 3
The Israeli cabinet is zionist, racist, barbarian, wild, butcher-like, imperial, liar, biased, and dir*y. They find it so easy to destroy a peaceful, small, and beautiful country like Lebanon just because its people tried to resist the Israeli occupation of part of their land and the Israeli captivation of more than 9,000 Arab prisoners without any trials. Israel will pay for it, I am sure. The hatred in the Arab and Muslim world today against Israel is uproaring and none can expect what can it do sooner or later. Unfortunately, it's always the civilians on both sides who pay the toll. I just wish Israel stops this awesome greed for land and hegemony to prevent the happening of the worst-case scenario in the middle east: full war!
2006-07-17 12:00:05
answer #3
answered by M_A_saBet 2
Hey, Do you know of what you are stating.
Haifa is in Israel and that is the town being hit with missiles as well as many towns hit. If you are not willing to read some on this try to not make your self look like a fool.
2006-07-17 11:53:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, I was going to give you a serious answer until I got to the end of your post. But you reveal a very deep bias that makes dialogue pointless. So, carry on with your hatred. I'm going on to someone who really wants to talk about the issues.
2006-07-17 13:56:04
answer #5
answered by kathy_is_a_nurse 7
first of all anyone that wants to answer this can!!! and second of all,what about the missals that they throw into Israel?? doesn't that count???ohh and by the way it was two solders and not one as you stated!!!(read more news maybe you'll understand how wrong you are)
and we Jews have much better things to do then bomb Lebanon,but what do you want us to do sit back and watch as missals fall???its called:defending it self from terrorists!!!
2006-07-17 11:55:39
answer #6
answered by flootzy 3
actually Israel has been having HUNDREDS of rockets fired at THEIR cities "full of people" for the last month...
i guess they feel collateral deaths are acceptable when killing Hizbollah soldiers hiding amongst civilians...
Israel has finally learned that "disengagement" only encourages and strengthens their enemies...
2006-07-17 11:49:38
answer #7
answered by R J 7
The needs of the one sometimes outweigh the needs of the many.
2006-07-17 11:49:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous