According to the standard of human civilization, known as Vedic culture, if one King saw that another King was killing cows in his kingdom, what to speak of abortions, facilitating intoxication as an industry,gambling, and pornography, this was the criteria to attack another nation for being guilty of not protecting it's citizens, including the animals. America's economy is in large part based on exploitation(oil,mining, deforestation, production of armaments) slaughterhouses,liquor,tobacco, gambling & pornography sales. Can they point the finger calling others "terrorists",when their economy is based on barbaric, sub-human activities? It is said that when Alexander the Great arrested a common thief, the thief told Alexander, "What is the
difference between us? I am a small plunderer,and you are a great plunderer." Being very honest, Alexander released him, saying, "Yes, there is no difference." With 12,658 murders in 2006 in the US, is this not enough of a "war" to spend taxes on ?
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