top 3
1 head of Pakistani intelligence arrives in Washington on this day, after wiring 100k to Mohamed Atta (remember him?) An asset of British intelligence, Omar Saeed Sheikh, facilitates the transaction.
2 Sir David Manning, Tony Blair's top foreign policy advisor, meets with Deputy Sec. of State, Rich Armitage, in Washington - the latter a recipient of Pakistan's highest civilian honour.
3 Tom Kenney arrives in NYC late in the evening of 9/10/11. He tells Dan Rather on live TV that his FEMA crew were in the city for an emergency disaster preparedness drill to be conducted the following morning. FEMA denies this claiming that Kenney is mistaken. FEMA insists that the crew arrived in resonse to the events of 9/11. Mayor Rudoph Guliani, testifying before the 9/11 Commission sides with Kenneys story.
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