Normally I have a pretty regular period. However this month's was a unusual. It was about 10 days before I am normally supposed to start. It began last Wednesday with some reddish-brown spotting, not heavy, but enough for maybe a Lightdays pad. Okay by that night it had slacked off, and was only when I wiped. The next few days I had only light pink spotting, with some cramping. By Sunday night I had some heavier spotting with a couple of mid-size clots, but no cramping. As of today I am having some light pink spotting still but no cramping. I have a dr. appointment set up but she can't see me until next week. Has anyone experienced this or something similar? A pregnant friend of mine said this sounded like implantation bleeding. This started about 3 days after having unprotected sex. What do you ladies think? Serious answers only please. And no, I am not a teenager asking this, I'm 27 and boyfriend is 30, so we are old enough to handle a baby if I find out that's the case. Thanks!
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