I'm looking for a game that is going to kill me because I can not think of it!!! It was an arcade game from either the 80's perhaps late or early 90's. I don't remember too much about the game other than it was this alien gymnastic type of character that you got to control. I think he was dressed in gray. I think I remember the screen being in continuous motion left to right, so basically if you missed something you missed it. The character got to shoot a YELLOW laser and could get specials that would either make the laser shoot thinly at long distances, or shoot a thick laser at short distances and you could eventually have the best of both worlds, which was optimal. I remember you could do a lot with the character as in motion. you could turn him backwards and shoot or have him do a somersault forward and shoot back or up.
So for the life of me I can't remember the name of the game. I know my description is a bit vague too, but does this sound familiar to anyone?
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Video & Online Games