hiya guys/gals. I was wondering which Heroscape figures that I should use for a 500 point team. But, the problem is, is that there are alot of figures that i wanna use. These are what I wanna use:
Me-Burq-Sa, Kozuke Samurai, Deathwalker 7000, Ninjas of the Northern Wind, Su-Bak-Na, Charos, Krug, Marro Warriors, The Shades of Bleakwoode, Heavy Gruts, Kee-Mo-Shi, Sgt. Drake Alexander, and then one or two sets of Obsidian Guards.
If you could help me figure out a nice team, i would very much appreciate it because, aside from my wii, heroscape is the best thing ever=D
If there are other characters that I should use instead, please tell me. Thank you for reading my question=)
1 answers
asked by
The SlipKnoTic Vampire, Lucian