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Singles & Dating - 19 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2007-01-19 11:29:46 · 12 answers · asked by ♥Christie♥ 2

I went out twice with a guy,who has a comlicated situation.He told me he had a gf which they were 2gther for 2 yrs,but the girl lives in New York and hes not sure if they will get back together,cuz hes in here(Cyprus)studying,He said that hes not sure if hes staying in Cyprus.He told me that he likes me,but doesnt want to commit,i like him 2,but hes very busy now working,and he doesnt have much time 2 go out.What shall i do,keep waitin maybe he realy changes his mind,or leave him and look for another guy?(also guys can help) :-)

2007-01-19 11:29:20 · 4 answers · asked by breez222000 3

i am 12. is that too young to go out with a girl. i like a girl in my school and she likes me back.its not real LOVE or anything that serious. am i too young to go out with her

2007-01-19 11:28:52 · 19 answers · asked by gangsta101 1

Man, im always making myself believe that "his the one" "his the best thing that ever happened to me". But its never like that ,is it more like I am not being true to my heart because my heart tell's me the opposet of what me mind thinks and all the time me heart it right so I asking why is it that way HELP ME!!!

2007-01-19 11:28:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've been talking to this guy on yahoo and he asked me if i would date him.......i think he is really nice and sweet..............should i go for it?

2007-01-19 11:28:30 · 5 answers · asked by mayra r 1

Why do men feel that they can not be honest with you? Dont they know honesty is the best policy? If men were just honest with women about how they feel, then the woman would know exactly where she stands with the man, and not be fooled into thinking she has something with you that she doesnt. WHY?

2007-01-19 11:28:27 · 7 answers · asked by Dreamweaver 1

my boyfriend cheated on me. 2 times.

i forgave him for the first time, (it was only kissing) but i was still pretty upset.

eventually, he gained back his trust, and he did it again.
but the way i found out, was reading his myspace messages.

i really love him.and it would hurt me so much if i left him.
so im trying to decide how to get the message through to him that this is the last time, because im sick of him ******* around with other girls.

got any ideas?
is revenge the answer?

2007-01-19 11:27:07 · 32 answers · asked by hannah! 2

Ok,so how do oyu know if you like a guy or if he likes you?

2007-01-19 11:25:53 · 6 answers · asked by brittany g 1

i have not seen or talk to an old flame in over 4 years, now he has popped out of the wood work and wants to meet up. what should i do. i am in a relationship now and have a beautiful son. lost and confused i need your help.

2007-01-19 11:24:55 · 16 answers · asked by angel_boo_2 2

IF you think it is not, then why do people spend a lot of the time on there pc? those of who talk to people always.

2007-01-19 11:23:06 · 9 answers · asked by Alex K 1

Here's the story: I like this girl at school and she is my age. She liked me in November 2005 and I didn't like her at the time. I am not 100% positive that she still likes me. I want to ask her but what exactly should I say to her? HELP!!!!

2007-01-19 11:22:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Theres this boy who i play basket ball with and every weak he acts really wierd when i play his team. he like hands me the ball, and yells at his friends for like acidently hitting me. And its just strange.

2007-01-19 11:22:00 · 5 answers · asked by animal lover 1

what do i do to get over it???

2007-01-19 11:20:36 · 13 answers · asked by daisymoomoocow7 1

2007-01-19 11:19:57 · 10 answers · asked by mel 1

i recently met this girl at a club...at least i think its a girl she kinda looks like a dude and i been trying my best to see her neck see if she has a adams apple but she always has it covered

2007-01-19 11:19:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

tonight pros and cons of going out to the night club

2007-01-19 11:19:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a crush. 2 months ago I told him that I liked him. I also asked him out. He said he didn't know cause we haven't talked. WEll this week today I had the chance to ask him if we could talk sometime.... but I was to shy. I need HELP!!!!! For 2 months he has being looking at me then look at something else then looks at me, ect. He does this when I stare at him... Does he like me too? I want to make a move but i donk know if he has a gf. he always walks with some frineds.... they're guys. He doesn't i guess have a gf. What should i do? should i mave a move?

2007-01-19 11:19:44 · 3 answers · asked by Green With Envy 2

Im interested in a girl at school and Im not sure how to ask her to a holiday work party. Is it okay to ask her to go with me or should I ask her on a more personal date first?

2007-01-19 11:19:16 · 3 answers · asked by mave_dawg07 2

So I work in a hotel that has a few airline contracts. We house airline employees on their layovers. We just so happen to house a very successful domestic US carrier. This flight attendant checks in and she is gorgeous and a little shy. I strike up a convo with her while they check-in. Later she is at the bar and she and her flight crew said something about a room party and invited myself and the bartender. We made an appearance, but didn’t want to loose our jobs so we quickly left. Later she called me to come up and bring them ice. She asked me if I would walk her to her room. I knew what was up, but again didn’t want to loose my job. She made out for awhile and I told her I would come back when I got off but I would rather just take her to lunch and see what happens from there. I called her the morning so I could come up and see her, maybe a lil action, and lunch, but she didn’t answer and she hasn’t called me back. What do I do??? She was cute and we had a nice convo. I think I like her.

2007-01-19 11:19:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

other than asking them straight to their face, be creative, not too creative tho

2007-01-19 11:18:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-19 11:17:38 · 40 answers · asked by ♥ms.peREz?♥ 4

I've known this guy for around 10 years now and we've been just mates.He split up with his gf a couple of months ago, and he asked me out new years day. Seen him once so far, and was really nice. A bit weird cos our families know each other and we hav some mutual mates, and we not ever been out 'just the 2 of us'

2007-01-19 11:17:06 · 19 answers · asked by Sona 1

ok right!

Everywhere i look on this site people talk about liking boys n stuff and wondering what to do next to find out if the guy likes them back. and i'm finding it a bit weird how the answers that come in are like 'ask him out' and so on...

I'm tryna say this without seeming stupid, but is it really what i know it to mean? In london when you ask someone out your asking them if they wanna be your girl/boyfriend. i mean don't you really really have to get to know the guy first? and how much/well do you get to know someone - rather than just waiting to feel like you know them enough??

2007-01-19 11:16:59 · 15 answers · asked by Vxn* 2

so i was just reading a magazine and came accross the "romantic moments that took your breath away" section. it was about the moments when two realized the were in love with eachother. i wanna read some more of those but on here. so if you have an incredible amazing romantic moment with a guy/girl you liked/like tell me about it! Guys you too!!

2007-01-19 11:16:24 · 15 answers · asked by ursNonlyUrs 2

is it true that guys can almost or usually tell when another guy is flirting with a girl even if the girl is clueless?

2007-01-19 11:16:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

ur lifeguard bf asked u to marry him over the megaphone

2007-01-19 11:16:19 · 13 answers · asked by ur name here 1

if its ok , what makes the girlfriend is different from any prostitute

2007-01-19 11:15:29 · 19 answers · asked by sally 1

if i had a choice between tryin to get back with the girl i really liked, or go for someone new. if i try to find someone new, i already know thats goin to take til the end of high school, if anyone has help on tryin to find the right person i would like it

2007-01-19 11:14:57 · 4 answers · asked by ownby 2


what do 11 year old boys think about?

2007-01-19 11:14:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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