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Singles & Dating - 10 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

and self-absorbed?

2006-12-10 06:40:28 · 19 answers · asked by Zach S 5

Before i had ever been in love, i was able to get down with anyone who was willing, I fell in love, and now even though the ex and i are done with our relationship and im totally over her, i feel the need to get to know a girl who's willing from the get go. Im dating two girls right now, and even though thier attrative, and we go out and make out and stuff, i don't feel anything and therefore am not getting aroused. I really sucks cause the ex still comes around to f__K and i have no problem, but half the time i say no because i broke up with her for saying "id rather have a guy who will buy me stuff then a guy im sexually attracted to (and she said it 3 times in two years!) and she demanded that i let her live in my house for free, which i refused cause even her parents charge her rent. Look, i dont love my ex anymore because she's a self centered *****, but my new prospects (we're not officail) aren't doin it for me when 2 yrs ago i would have no problem, performance anxiety?

2006-12-10 06:39:12 · 4 answers · asked by DRNOPE 2

Have you found your true love,Are you sure that its him.
Does he enjoy all the little things,Or is his love down within.
does he tell you he loves you,I mean right from his heart.
Or does his words come out smeeling like farts.
Are you sure that you found,His love always shows.
Deep within his eyes,they light up and glow.
I hope that you met him forever and true.
For the sake of your feelings,Does he really love you.

Can you answers yes to all of these questions ladies

2006-12-10 06:38:19 · 12 answers · asked by lovely soul with insite 3

like any couple, but nothing major until this year whenI made the huge mistake of breaking up with him in may. At the time I was worried that he was begining to go off me and I was so scared of getting hurt that I broke up with him (stupid I know, but thats female logic for you). Shortly afterwards I received an email from himhis email made me rethink things and soon after I began seeing him again just as a friend-not wishing to rush things and ruin them again. Everything seemed to be going well and it was obvious that he still wanted to be with me so about early July we got back together. For a time we were very happy apart from the fact that pre arranged events meant that we couldnt spend as much time together as we had wanted. Then while I was away for a week I found out that I was pregnant- this came as a big shock as when we went to the doctors they informed me that i was 3 months pregnant. Up until then my periods hadnt stopped and I hadnt had any other symptoms which is why I hadnt even suspected it. At first I considered an abortion as it was what my boyfriend wanted, but I couldnt go through with it. A week or so after I'd decided this he broke up with me. He was crying and telling me he loved me so much but he wasnt ready to be a father- mainly because he feels that he is too young (20) and just wanted me not the baby as well. He kept begging me to have an abortion and telling me that we could start over and that he'd be there for me, do anything to keep me.

We didnt see each other for about a month after this, but when we did see each other he told me that he didnt love me anymore. I know you may think I'm foolig myself here but I know it wasn't true as he'd told a friend of his the nigth before that he still loved me ut didnt want the baby adn his friend told me this as he felt I deserved to know the truth. I'm not sure if he thought that saying it would make it easier for him to leave if I believed that he didn't love me. After this we began seeing each other regularly again and soon ended up as a couple, but it wasn't official. I was at his every weekend ad we started sleeping together again. He still maintained that he didnt love me anymore, but just by the way he was with me it felt like he was fooling himself- maybe because hes scared of commitment? I wondered if it was just about sex for him but soon realised that it wasnt: he was always hugging me and pulling me close to him-even in public and even rubbed moisturiser into the bump( which was quite big by then) without being asked. Then I went to spain with my family for a week, when I got back I was addmitted to hospital as i was bleeding and they were worried that there could be a problem- luckily there wasn't and I was released the next day. I then phoned him to arrange our plans for the weekend and he told me that he didnt realise i was already out of the hospital and that he'd been planning to come to see me that afternoon( my mother had only phoned him that morning to let him know).

When I arrived at his house the next day we sat down to watch a film andwhen I went to sit down he pulled me close to him and told me repeatedly how much he'd missed me while he was away. Although he said he still wasnt happy about the baby he was lovely to me and genuinly seemed to love me as much as ever. Later that weekend he even iniciated a conversation about baby names with no encouragement. Unfortunately he had a few big arguments with his mother ( who hes always had a rocky relationship with) which upset him a lot and added even more stress to the situation. I was due to go home that night for a meal with friends and on the way back he asked me if it was ok to pick me up afterwards and for me to stay with him for another day, which I agreed to. i cant help but think if he didnt still love me and genuinly wanted nothing to do with me he wouldnt still want me around like this. The weekend after that while I was at his house he seemed to want to be with m,e more than ever: when i went to go to do something else he'd beg me to stay and spend time with him; and while i was checking my email on mymyspace account he pinted out that my profile said i was single in a light way but seemed quite hurt by this. When he took me home a few days later after yet another fight with his mum, he told me that he still didnt want to be with me and the baby, that he wishes i'd just had the abortion. I know how scared he is about being a father, could this fear possibly be blocking his true feelings? he seems so scared. He even admitted to his mum that when he first found out about the baby (before the fear and panic set in) he felt happy and excited. His parents only married because he was on the way and they eneded up having a very nasty divorce. I think he worrries that the same thing would happen to us if we stayed together but as I tried to explain to him, we're different people and ar not going to rush into anything. He's only ever seen the negative outcomes surrounding teenage/early twenties parents and cant seem to get past this fear.

He effectively finished hings with me before going to do his marines tests ( he has been planning to join then all year and the initial plan was for him to get posted to arbroath so we could still be together and eventually move in together). whn he returned from the tests he took me to a hospital appointment with me, but became angry afterwards because they did a scan and he said that he didnt want to see that. Is this because deep down he knows he doesnt want to lose me and the baby? surely if he just didnt want either of us, if he didnt care the scan wouldnt bother him either way.
I know we're supposed to be together, it may seem silly, but ive known it since I first met him. We'd always talked about our future together, but i think because its happened out of the order we wished for this has frightened him and made him think it cant work. I know in my heart he still loves me, i'm very careful not to get hurt and I wouldnt put myself through this if i wasn't sure he still loved me. His mother and friends believes he does, but is tryng to use it as an escape- a reason why he should leave.The baby is due in february. Do you think theres still hope for us? Will he come round when the babys born and he realises what he's missing? Ive decide to give him some space and just not contact him to let him sort himself out, do you think thsi is a good idea?

2006-12-10 06:35:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am curious and wandering... I am a 17 years old male junior in high school. The girls I have dated this year are all 14 or 15 y/o freshman Don't ask why because I don't even know the answer to that. Anyways the last 4 girls I have dated I have broken up with one of them and then 3 of them have broken up with me. They all said the same thing or similar things, "I am NOT ready for commitment" OR "I am not ready for a relationship."

Now I know. Some of them just use these lines as excuses because they just lost feelings for me. Fine, but the ones that are actually telling the truth are serious. They just aren't ready for commitment OR a relationship.

This brings me to my point. What age OR grade do you think a girl has to be in to be ready for a real relationship? I believe they have to be in 11th or 12th grade. What do you think?

2006-12-10 06:34:31 · 18 answers · asked by Mr. Untouchable 2

i have a BF but i think my bff and one of my guy friends convinced him to go out with me. hes kinda shy around me and we used to be really good friends, we've only been going out for 5 days and i havent truly liked someone since my first BF and i broke up ( in june).. help please?!?1

2006-12-10 06:34:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok wut nationality do u think the hottest girls come from or wut nationality do u find attractiveex.spanish,polsigh,french

2006-12-10 06:33:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

There's a girl I work with who I was instantly attracted to when she arrived 4 years ago; I was in a relationship, so was she and so that was that. We became friends anyway and are really close, but about a year ago she split with her b/f and is single; i'm single too now and i'm really close to asking her out. Thing is, having been mates for 4 years, am I risking everything we have as mates for the sake of just plain old fashioned lust?

2006-12-10 06:29:58 · 25 answers · asked by Ethereal 2

2006-12-10 06:29:41 · 10 answers · asked by live*laugh*love 4

if so, what are the more reliable body language clues guys give out if they like you?

2006-12-10 06:29:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

dont u think its weird for an old looking 8th grader[ shes 14] to be dating a 16 year old

2006-12-10 06:28:49 · 13 answers · asked by thatCHICK 2

After five years, my best friend and I have decided to give dating a try.

I really like him, and I can see myself maybe one day having sex with him, but I dont know how long to wait. It's not like we're still trying to get to know eachother. We've been friends for five years, I know everything about him. He knows everything about me.

I just dont know how to long to wait, or what to wait for. I don't want to give it up after a week, because I don't want to come off easy. But I don't think I can wait six months either.

Any advice? thanks

2006-12-10 06:28:48 · 5 answers · asked by justme 1

what would you do if the relationship is going on a year and your boyfriend start to treat you wrong. he does things like call you stupid, dont call for days at a time and hasnt said i love you in a while.

2006-12-10 06:28:21 · 2 answers · asked by ki-ki 3

I'm a freshmen in high school and I really like this guy whos in my gym class. And I think he likes me too, but he isn't doing anything or telling me. I want to ask him out but I'm too chicken. Every time I say I will, then when I see his face I back down. If I ask my friend to tell him or ask him if he likes me. Will he think I can't do anything for myself?? Will he think I'm a loser, or something?? What should I do??

2006-12-10 06:25:57 · 6 answers · asked by disneygirl61014 1

2006-12-10 06:24:49 · 10 answers · asked by MistyFlower 4

I met this man online and I feel such a bond strong attraction to him. he tells me he wants to meet me. It seems like now though that we have grown very close he backs away and I dont know how to deal with this. I am overflowwing with such feeling from him cause we connect ona much more deeper level than physical honestly. I dotn know if we are honestly each others "Physical" types but emotional connection is WAY STRONG! PLease enlightne me on what i should do about this. Is it possible Ican love himw ithoutr even meeting him?

2006-12-10 06:23:54 · 14 answers · asked by bobravers 1

My boyfriend told me he didnt wanna hangout cuz he was tired but then as im on the phone with him the phones cuts out (which is a lie) and i was calling him all night thinking something happened to him he finally calls me at 6 am and i hear him with his friend he went out to a bar with his friends and coulndt hangout with me. he lied to me and i cant let it go ive been with him for a year and 3 months i think im going to break up with him. i cant take liars but i love him this sucks

2006-12-10 06:23:05 · 2 answers · asked by nygirlsrdifferent 1

There is this guy that I have known for awhile now and we have been intimate a few times. We met on line. I know what you must be thinking, but! And although we are not a couple, it bothering me when I see him still going on line. So I wonder why does he still see me if I am not the ONE! I've mentioned being just friends but when we do meet its not just friends. And this may sound weird but I got mad at him one time when I was trying to say good-bye and told him I wish he would find someone special so he won't keep going on line cause cause I feel a person is just a loser if he can't someone and he has been on for more than 3 years searching. I would hate to know I am just a number of women he is sleeping with. I asked this question and so I am prepared to hear both good and bad about this situation.

Please help? A part of me likes and cares about him, but then a part of me is discusted knowing what he must be doing when we are not together.

2006-12-10 06:22:46 · 1 answers · asked by homesweethomediana@sbcglobal.net 3

my boyfriend for Christmas? We've been goin' out for about 5 months. He's 29 and I'm 19. He use to be in the Army, but got a medical discharge about a year and a half ago. Umm...I really don't know what to get him for Christmas. I want it to be original and thoughtful.

2006-12-10 06:22:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

cheat and then say it wasn't me huh thats so stupid but i aint gone lie i use to do that

2006-12-10 06:21:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok. I have a crush on this girl. She's a year younger then me. I talked to her friend and she was telling me she has had a crush on me for a long time. I was asking her if I should tell her, and if it would be cool if I called her. She told me she would want for me to tell her. And that it wouldnt be weird If I called her. She knows I've dated alot of girls, and that I've I'm fairly popular. I really dont she would ever expect me to fall for her. I got her number the other day, and have been calling her. Just the other night I told her to call me at around an hour ago, whenever she got off. Should I stick it out and see if she does, or sucker in and just call her. I'm not sure, but I dont think something small as this doesnt mean she doesnt like me. She might be nervous. etc.

2006-12-10 06:21:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-10 06:20:06 · 11 answers · asked by Joho 7

my husband says its scruffy for me to do this so al prove this to him that theres women out there as well.

2006-12-10 06:20:03 · 7 answers · asked by karen 2

i broke up with him like 6 months ago and he has since moved to another state however before he moved he kept trying to get back with me but i wasnt ready for that well now i realize i still have feelings for him. i have been veiwing his myspace every night and when i looked at it last night i saw he had a pic of me and him on there and used it in a slide show. do you think this means he still likes me please give your opinion. I want to send him a e mail but i cant bring myself tp do it.

2006-12-10 06:19:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do u think she was intrested?
I met this girl at a social event,her name is lindsey. we danced had a couple of drinks in us. lindsey kept on saying how i made her night and how she tought I was so hot. do u think she was intrested we dance for 1 hour and 30 minutes I did give her my number becuse she left the dance floor and I couldint find her

2006-12-10 06:19:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I could use help from both sides here...
There is this guy at my school that I REALLY like, but there's just something about him that stops me from talking to him. I want to talk to him, but the only time I managed to was when I asked him to our Homecoming. He seems like a really nice guy, but it also looks like we have pretty much nothing in common. My friends all back me up saying that they'll come with me to talk to him, but he's a senior and I'm, well, not. Should I try talking to him, and if I should, what should I say?
Also, we're from completely different 'cliques', if that's what you want to call it. Him: All black, eyebrow peircing. Me: Jeans, nose-peircing, t-shirts. Kind of stereotyped, but that's pretty much all you need to know to get the differences...help?

2006-12-10 06:18:46 · 1 answers · asked by Ensiho 2

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