A 33 year old woman who I have met professionally 3 times is flirting with me. She is divorced and has two kids. She wants me to meet her son, is bringing me special sweets I like from her home town, and asked for my phone number, said "that's great!" when I told her i was single, and she is a really hot looking scorpio gal and makes lots of sexual innuendo jokes and has a killer smile.
She got divorced recently (maybe within a year or two) and she doesnt allow the ex to se her kids cause he doesnt support them. She said she has gone through tough times emotionally, mentally &financially &her ex was alcoholic. her son told her 2remarry.
She lives with her kids & works full time. When we parted last she hugged and did a cheek kiss on me & was in 2much ecstasy while doing it.
I am single w/out kids. I find her attractive. I appreciate the interest.
Im a vegetarian & never drink/drugs. Shes been veg off on (but not presently).
I have hesitation due 2 kids?
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