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Singles & Dating - 3 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Just wondering!

2006-12-03 11:27:55 · 4 answers · asked by Mark C 3

How to know if a guy u dont really know...likes you. This guy is in my class. we dont know each other.we havent even talked before except when i asked him his name to give him his burger @ lunch onetime. He is only in 1 class with me but sometimes i catch him glancing at me. And girls u know what i mean. So yeah what do you all think.
And please dont give me crappy answers b/c i will erport u so yeah. plz help. im just curious...

2006-12-03 11:27:53 · 2 answers · asked by Laryn 2

ok im in a relationship and last night i went over to my friends who is a guys house and i went at about 12 am n i came home at about 2 am i told my boyfriend about it today and he got mad at me for it i told him i wouldnt go next if it upsets him this much ... so is this a reason he should be mad ?and how long is he going to be mad? and what can i do to make it up to him?

2006-12-03 11:27:32 · 25 answers · asked by lavendernlily 1

What does it mean when a guy U barely know, but flirts and talks 2 U, talks about his former crush. Does it me he likes U and wants 2 make U jelous?

2006-12-03 11:27:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it worth it to even try to work on it--or should it chemistry just naturally be present? Can chemistry be created?

If you want to know the background, read on:

My boyfriend and I have been dating a year, and the more time goes on the more frustrated I become with our one complete disconnect. It's like we speak two completely different languages--I'm tactile, he's verbal. He'll compliment me profusely on my beauty and other aspects, but I don't believe them if actions do not follow--it is not uncommon for us to go weeks without even kissing each other. Conversely, he's confused why I am so physical--and often teases me because of it. I do feel shallow for being so frustrated, but it's becoming undeniable that chemistry is very important to me. There's been great days, little glimses of potential, that make me hope there's a chance--but those days seem so insignificant compared to a year. We've never even had a fight, which I would love just as a revelation of passion!

2006-12-03 11:27:20 · 3 answers · asked by Issy 1

We had a Christmas Celebration kind of thing last Friday for my company. All the people around the table was so drunk and so does my secretary Linda. She couldn't stand by her high-heeled shoes at least and alsmost fell down. So I helped her to put on her shoes. At that moment I saw that she was wearing a pair of nude stockings! That is the most sexy thing for me in the world. I said I would put her in another room for a rest but I just couln't help my self! I didn't know what happened until I ejeculated at her pantyhoses... The next morning when I woke up she was gone. What shall I say to her?

2006-12-03 11:25:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because I just moved around mostly whites?

my pic http://www.listentocharlie.com/photos.html

2006-12-03 11:25:04 · 1 answers · asked by harsh truth 1

2006-12-03 11:24:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am really shy around this guy, he's really nice and we've talked numerous times. I'm in middle school and so is he.

2006-12-03 11:24:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous 3

she is very close to me.does it mean that she loves me?

2006-12-03 11:23:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

so i really like this guy! but idk if he likes me~
hes always staring at me looking in my eyes!
& he always flirts with me & he always finds a reaosn to come by me!
but one day him and his friends walked up to me and my friend
and he grabbed her butt and then he looked to see what i was doing!
what do yall think? do yall think he likes me or my friend?

2006-12-03 11:23:10 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

my bessy mate has this real problem, like many guys he is not allowed to se the girl he loves and cherishes more than anyone due to over protective parents, ways around it?

2006-12-03 11:22:19 · 7 answers · asked by ANTJOHN 2

This was my answer to some girl who asked a million questions to find out if her man loved her. am i right?
guys, you can add stuff if you want :)


-you that you dont ask a guy a million questions, you love him, yet, you observe.
-give him strikes,
-dont act all protective, jeleous, snoby, aggresive,mean ext.
-some Guys love it if they're girl isnt afraid to take control(this dosnt mean boss them!) exp. say your staring into each others eyes, say something smart like what are you waiting for, or should i make the first move? ask him what hes thinking of doing something to get him to kiss you, if not, if you think you'll ruin the moment, then you lean in 80 and let HIM lean in the other 20
- have good convertaition, let him know he can tell you any-thing)
-understand him when he talks and help him out with his problems.
- Be sure to care for him and have him care for you.
- Guys will return the faver and Love You the way you are

2006-12-03 11:22:06 · 7 answers · asked by Bebe's Angel 2

i asked a girl out that i liked last week and we both agreed to go to the movies sat night. sat afternoon she cancled on me and said she her mom wanted to go christmas shopping. I can understand.

so tomorow what should i say to her? Should i ask her out again?

Give me some advice!

2006-12-03 11:21:54 · 9 answers · asked by jay s 1

iv just moved with with my nan and my mum and my bro n sis, my nan is always naggin at me im 13 years old wot should i do?

2006-12-03 11:20:57 · 9 answers · asked by x.xsxcx.x 1

Does it always have to be about the perfect man and a potential future?

And do you always have to be over the limit drunk to do this sort of thing?

2006-12-03 11:20:27 · 9 answers · asked by Hank Hill 3

2006-12-03 11:19:07 · 22 answers · asked by Acire 2

ladies this is your last chance to tell your boyfriends/husbands about the secret room!!! a group of desperate husbands (founded by me of course) has gained valuable counter intelligence on farting women...or as you woman say..non farting women. wev'e figured out that while we have been away our wives had hired female contractors to install secret farting rooms. we know you dont fart or poopy in the bathroom because it realy does smell like freackin roses when you come out.(this information was obtained by use night vision goggles) anyhow our group is one step closer to finding the rooms that have been installed in almost every home in america. us being men....we are of course proud of our farts.. i mean what shame is there in making furiture move, pets run for thier dear lives,windows vibrate ect. member #13 had his followed for 3 days and no farts recorded,#6..21/2 days...#4 a whole week..now we know that this has to be impossible to hold it for that long, come clean ladies

2006-12-03 11:18:18 · 7 answers · asked by dave v 2

Okay I loved my now ex and I know he at least had some fo the same feelings for me. I could tell a million stories that show theae romantic and sweet moments that would make most people cry and acctually already have, we'll call him bunny. I also have a best friend, we'll call her kitten. Well the problem with bunny was he was 20 and I was 25 at the time, kitten is my age. I started hanging out with kitten a lot and since I was not aloud to see bunny because of my parents she would help me set up times that we could all hang out with the addition of his friend, we'll call him pinecone. This worked out for a while but Bunny and Kitten started hanging out more and more w/o me and one night they were hanging out and when they were saying good-bye she lingered looking at him and he kissed her. I was devistated and we broke up. He has no idea that I know about the iccident. I love him so much and I'm begining to hate kitten for how much she hurt me. Am I in the wrong, and what should I do?

2006-12-03 11:18:12 · 15 answers · asked by Penguin_girl 1

I had a connection with this girl on yahoo personals, and it was really cool at first. We exchanged a few emails and finally phone numbers. We talked one night for a few hours, and the next night I got these sexually explicit text messages. I'm talking really graphic. I have to admit I played along (I'm a guy, come on). But then she said the next day she didn't want what happened last night to jeprodize what we had started. Then she warns me that she has a huge sex drive like a man, and that a lot of guys are intimidated. Even with what she said, we set a date on Sunday. Over the weekend she alternated canceling and confirming our date. Finally this morning she texts me canceling out date, but says she is horny, and asks me how big my d**k is! I text her back saying we shouldn't continue this "text sex" until we meet. I thought it was unhealthy to keep this up without seeing eachother . She text back that my d**k was probably small anyways. We haven't spoke since. Is this chick crazy?

2006-12-03 11:17:33 · 26 answers · asked by Greg 3

iv bin goin wiv dis lad 4 bout 2 months now nd i tlk 2 him 4 ages everyday, im strtin 2 nt find him as funny anymore and i dont no if im goin of him or not wot dya think?

2006-12-03 11:17:10 · 3 answers · asked by x.xsxcx.x 1


2006-12-03 11:16:51 · 11 answers · asked by Jermail R 2

I was over my boyfriends house and I was on his couch with him, and he was touching me and stuff.We were really getting into it, till he put his foot on my lap and told me that if I sucked his toes ,it would please him, I was grossed out by it, but I really wanted to please him so I licked the bottom of his big toe with my tounge, he was moaning and telling me not to stop, my question is, is this a turn on for guys, and how do i know if i was doing it right?please help......

2006-12-03 11:16:51 · 13 answers · asked by kim 2

I got in my bf's car the other day with him and on the passenger's seat was a book to a jewelry store. I feel like he wanted me to see that book. He knew I was coming to sit down on the seat and he left it there until I opened the door. Then today when he was checking his email he made a comment "Oh Zales sent me an email 20% to 50% off". I know I am the only one he is buying a present for this year because his mom past away this year and his family isn't doing xmas, just to hard. But he told me that he wants to get me something. So my question is, is he trying to get me to look at jewerly or give him some hints or am I thinking to much?? LOL Like most women do....lol

2006-12-03 11:16:11 · 5 answers · asked by browneyegirl 3

okay i know this is weird but my friend wants to know what boners feel like to you guys! like can you tell when you have one? does it feel good?

2006-12-03 11:13:04 · 15 answers · asked by cheaa boy 1

I’m a teenager I think there’s a girl who likes me. Here’s why? She had me meet her mom. She tells me she likes me in a sarcasm way, I think? I give her a compliment such as “You look Breathtaking today”. She gives me a compliment as well. Recently, I got a camera phone, so she insisted on taking a picture of herself with a friend. Then insisted on meeting my mom, and she did.

What does all this mean?
What should I do?

2006-12-03 11:12:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive caught his eyes on me a few times but ive convinsed myself he was just looking by and i turned my head at the wrong time. and weve made i contact and I broke it off after like 3 seconds and he seems a bit shy around me. does he like me?

2006-12-03 11:12:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

if a guy is using a condom and cums inside you
can u get pregnant??

2006-12-03 11:09:25 · 19 answers · asked by MoNiCa 2

well i like this boy for more then a year and i used to like his best friend. i went to a school dance on friday and his friend asked me to dance....i said no. now i feel really bad... my mom says i shouldnt because he had another guy ask me to dance with him.
Any advice on how i could feel better cause i feel really bad!
should i feel bad?

2006-12-03 11:09:04 · 5 answers · asked by Julie 2

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