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Singles & Dating - 13 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Men(18-30, over 30 and you already know this stuff the routine by now) Rule # 1...

No matter how much you do, it not only will never be enough, but will forgotten like yesterdays newspaper.

Point: don't even go there, cause' it won't matter

Look for Rule #2 11/14/06...

2006-11-13 10:55:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-13 10:55:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i'm a girl myself but i have a friend who kisses me on the neck, does it mean anything?

2006-11-13 10:55:23 · 5 answers · asked by Morgan B 1

...okay to start out... this may sound conceited but i am 22 and a very good looking guy, very popular with woman, and everyone in general and have a great social life...i was with a girl for about a yr and a half and we broke up, and i got hurt pretty bad and she did alot of really awful things and i was depressed for awhile, well... since we broke up, anytime i go to have sex with someone i cant get it up, or if eventually ido get it up its like numb, and ive never had this problem, i was freaking out because i thought something was physically wrong, then i got back together with my ex for a couple weeks, and i was completly fine... we would have sex 3 or 4 times a day and it would be easy no thought, then we broke it off again for good, and since i have gone back to having the same problem, yet this time i am not depressed about her at all... im happy we are done, yet this is freaking me out? what do i do...? if i get viagra will i my anxiety go away?

2006-11-13 10:52:10 · 13 answers · asked by Seven11 1

i am single latin man that need a companion to spend some a quality time with

2006-11-13 10:52:08 · 10 answers · asked by chulo272003 1

his office? It was hard to find someone trust worthy, should I just say forget it?

2006-11-13 10:49:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dunno Y he told me this but he kept saying ''suckysuckyfidolla?''
I'd say''no!'' and he'd say "why not?" I said "just because" he said "but there gotta be a reason" then he'd say it again.. he is american and speaks american but he was talking differently...what would be a good response to this problem instead of the plain''no''? b/c i don't wanna!!!!!! and he's really getting on my nerves!!!

2006-11-13 10:48:51 · 14 answers · asked by .::country gurl in a 4X4::. 2

We both love each other very much but she wants me to ask her parents for her in marriage. But not telling her parents that we both love each other but ask them for their daughter in marriage as if their daughter doesn't know who I am.

Is it accepted in society to go to a girl's parents and ask their daughter in marriage?

2006-11-13 10:47:46 · 21 answers · asked by Mr Business 3

How does one get over the fear of intimacy so they can date again?

2006-11-13 10:47:16 · 8 answers · asked by Lily 2

I'm 15 and a HS sophomore, and have never been kissed or had a boyfriend. I know that there are a bunch of girls in my grade who have never been kissed either, but all my friends have boyfriends right now and I feel like the odd one out. Mind you, all my friends are either dating really strange and ugly guys or complete jerks. I was fine with having not been kissed yet, because I don't think I'm ugly and I know guys have been interested in me, but all my friends in a relationship think its weird that I'm single. Is it really that strange, or is it okay that I'm waiting around until I find the right guy?

2006-11-13 10:47:06 · 12 answers · asked by xxmorgan28xx 2

I like this boy and I've known him for about 2 years, and i've been goin out w/ him for about 2 weeks, we r supposed 2 b goin on a date here soon...and I want him to be my first. I'm 13 stil a virgin, he's 15. I love him and I wanna show him hw much I love him. Should i? if any1 thinks I should do u have any ideas where we could do it, or how we could do it. Does it hurt the first time?

2006-11-13 10:46:14 · 18 answers · asked by sara_smiles_10 2

me and him have stayed good friends for two years now and she caught on that we were still talking (only as friends of course) and sms me to not sms him again, what do i do?? I'm sure he may have known that she did that and she keeps deleting my number so im not sure if he wanted to say sorry about it and couldn't get hold of me or he didn't know at all

2006-11-13 10:44:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am dating a very unusual man. He is extremely affectionate when we are together, but when we are not, he emails and texts messages me as though we are business partners. I cannot tell if he was simply raised in an inaffectionate household, or if it's his way of creating a barrier between us and ensuring our relationship goes nowhere. In person, he says he likes me and wants to make it work. But when we are not together, I feel like he's too busy for me. What the HECK is going on?

I really like this man. I believe in my heart that I could love him forever. But will I have to wait forever for his affection? No matter what I try, he shows no affection via email, text or phone; although he makes no move to end it. I'm confused.

I am being patient because I want this to work.

2006-11-13 10:43:42 · 4 answers · asked by Sunshine 2

2006-11-13 10:41:24 · 9 answers · asked by none 2

ok soo yeasterday i was at acc with the marchign band and we just got done performing we went on the bus and changed and went up to our nice worme room and stuff and there was this balcony u could go out side and watch the other bands right and my crush was out there and i had to crawl under this medal bar to get to the other side..where he was sitting couse unfortunally my friend was over there haha

soo iam goign under the bar right and hes sitting right by it and i fall goign over to the other side and aim pretty sure my butt went almost in his face and when i was falling hes like oh wow omg..and then i was trying nto to cry but my friend was laughing soo i laughed and he was trying not to laugh.. ..and the worst thing he knows i like him and he thought i was goign to sit by him soo b4 i went over hes liek sitting by me wont do any good soo i stared at him while i was going under the bar and thats when i fell..
and could u tell me an embarasing story to cheer me up thx

2006-11-13 10:40:18 · 37 answers · asked by andralynn147 1

Okay this may sound stupid but its on my mind and I would like to know what anyone else would think of this.. My boyfriend is really good to me, we hardly ever fight .. actually we only fighted once and that was Saturday but anyways we have been together for only about 3 months now and were really good with eachother, I was talking to him today though on the phone and he said he had to go and I asked if he would call me later on and he said maybe....and I was like what do you mean and he said I'll think about it.... and so I just said alright and hungup.... That was around 2:00pm and it is now 7:40pm... What would any of you think of that or what would you do if this happened to you..
Thanks Im Just Curious and Confused. <3

2006-11-13 10:39:45 · 5 answers · asked by My-Feelings-Inside 1

Today I was supposed to meet a cute guy after school but I was so shy that I didn't have the guts to say hi to him. My friend did everything possible so that I could meet him tomorrow so what should I do?

2006-11-13 10:39:15 · 20 answers · asked by Lil Meli 2

2006-11-13 10:38:29 · 6 answers · asked by Kitty 1

we've been together for almost 5 years and have a very strong relationship. but we're in a new situation. we are both new to NYC, he started his first year of law school and i am here in my 2nd year of teaching at a NYC school. we're both busy...but he's been talking tothis girl at law school online quite often. i'm worried. should i be? we've talked about it, he has a hard time making friends so he thinks i should be understanding. i don't know. he didn't want me to eat lunch with another male teacher bc he thinks it can lead to things. and yet his reasoning is that he has a hard time making friends and it's lonely being by yourself in school. is his mind into this new girl?

2006-11-13 10:38:04 · 23 answers · asked by ymk 1

Because sometimes I want to and then I lose the nerve.So please tell me and girls please tell me what girls like.I'am in the seventh grade

2006-11-13 10:38:01 · 9 answers · asked by Big Rig22 1

She is my bestfriend's sister and their family is financially poor. I'm rich and if I marry her then I can help them. I'm not saying I'm gonna marry her to help them or that she like me for my money.

We truely love each other. But she told me to ask her parent's for her in marriage as if she and I don't know each other.

Is it okay to ask her parents for her in marriage to me? Is it accepted in society?

2006-11-13 10:37:44 · 4 answers · asked by Mr Business 3

2006-11-13 10:37:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well I sit beside this girl in CP English and I really like her but Im not sure she likes me though, she has a boyfriend thats bad right umm yea, she'll laugh at mostly everything I say, I see her walking in the halls she looks at me and smiles and says hi. And in the morning I say how ya doin she giggles and says good and you, and when she walks from the front back to the back where we sit she looks at me instead of all the other guys in the class, and she alays tries to get close to me. so any advice would help thank you.

2006-11-13 10:36:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

And she's hurt as **** because my homie told her on the phone that my mother didn't like her, she won't answer he phone, she's always playing games and ****, but when I lived there, she always smiled at me. She could be in the worse mood, but she saw me, she smiled. I saw her, I smiled. I just moved, and I wanna get with her, but I don't think she trusts me enough, but, I'm not giving up. I might love her. o_o;; Never loved anyone before, I've got crazy feelings for this girl, and I dunno what to do. Like, one night, I was like "I want you" in text messages, and I called her later, and she was like "those texts you sent were funny, why would you think I liked you?", and something just told me she was joking. I dunno, help pl0x.

2006-11-13 10:35:53 · 3 answers · asked by thedisparage 1

There is a guy from my school who has had a crush on me for about 2 years now. Is it reasonable to go up to the guy who I think solely of as a pal and just make his day and give him a hug? I was thinking about it, is it something that is ok for me to do?

2006-11-13 10:35:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

im in middle school and wanna know if a skinny girl would date a sorta fat boy (im 5ft,6inches 180pounds)

2006-11-13 10:35:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know about you but i know about me. I am am growing a bit tired of all the -Does he likes me - type questions.

Some1 tried to do this b4 but not many people helped.

So if you could just post info on signs a person likes you, ways to flirt, all that stuff s next time a question like that pops up we can just copy and paste from here and ope we get best answer..


Thanks. I will post my thoughts soon.

2006-11-13 10:34:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I talked to my x on two occasions. First being 40 minutes and the second five minutes. During the first call, she said that she still thinks about me and the second she does not want to be a friend. Why?

2006-11-13 10:33:44 · 25 answers · asked by volkswagenf 1

2006-11-13 10:31:52 · 5 answers · asked by val 1

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