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Singles & Dating - 5 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

my boyfriend is go good so perfect but i just feel like theres a spark missing but I dont want to let him go because I know his a guy thats worth alot . but I feel like theres a kind of action missing in my life.

2006-11-05 12:38:24 · 3 answers · asked by boom 1

A light skin guy can be a cheater,broke,and treat her like s**t and she sweats him.But a dark guy can treat her like a queen and she will pass him by.Whats the deal with dat?

2006-11-05 12:38:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you ask yourself out, and date yourself long term and have a relationship with yourself?

this was a quesiton they asked on a show and I answered that I would go out with me, be my friend and even maybe sleep with me, but not marry me, because I can be a drama queen and have issues.

what about you?

2006-11-05 12:36:55 · 30 answers · asked by motorized vehicle 3

why are guys so afriad to ask people out?

2006-11-05 12:36:41 · 6 answers · asked by abnick2000 1

I fell in love with this guy... my friend. And well he has a gf and I don't know what to do, because I like him so much but hes serious with his gf and I can't tell him about it cuz he'll probably get weirded out and stuff... I'm not sure what to do about it. I need help, because he and I are close and I know that its pointless for me to like him because hes with his gf, but I can't help myself... I just need advice on how to get through this... please...

2006-11-05 12:35:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my bf understand this but fridays a have off but he wants to send time with the boys what should i do

2006-11-05 12:35:26 · 4 answers · asked by dar 3

2006-11-05 12:34:39 · 16 answers · asked by cute girlsarehot 1

ok, my b/f , his best friend is a girl. and its not like im jealous or anything but what i dont get is like if i call him and hes on the phone with her he'll be like well can i call u back because im on the phone and he'll tell me with her. and im like how can u put her before me, i mean yeah they are friends. but not to long ago he liked her a lot. until she told him that they could never be together. and he told me that she had her chance. but i still think that there is something goin on that they arent telling me. its just so weird for me because she is the one who got us together in the first place but then after we start dating everything changes. i just dont know what to think anymore. he says that he likes me and that even if she told him that she wanted to date him that she had 4 years to date him and that was all he said. what should i do?

2006-11-05 12:33:42 · 11 answers · asked by babydoll10 2

ok, i've been sortof seeing this guy. we're friends, and have hung out, gone to movies, a few dates, where he has labeled them "dates", and he has never kissed me. so today, we hung out all day, he hugged me, we tickle fight, laugh etc, and when he leaned into me, i thought he wanted to kiss me, so i leaned in too and then he backed away totally repulsed. i was surprised and totally taken off guard. I mean, why would he send all these lets go further signals and then back away? should i just cut my losses, chalk it up to he is not interested and forget about it?

Totally confused here. he's been doing this back and forth dance for months and i have no idea what to do. Thanks.

2006-11-05 12:30:05 · 12 answers · asked by Joyce K 2

This party is at her frinds house, a friend who is liveing ith a boyfriend. what can i say?
or do?

2006-11-05 12:27:46 · 10 answers · asked by kwasi a 1

Just got out of a relationship with a 29 yr. old woman. I'm 24 male and basically was left confused at the end. The last month of relationship, she became very distant and cold. We stopped having sex, and she even rejected me twice. I figured she had a lot on her mind...work, family and school so i let it go. I finally couldn't take it and asked her if everything was alright. She said shes been going through a stressful time and had been doing a lot of thinking. We broke up because she could not find the time to be my gf. But it seems kind of strange to me that she would hold out sex for so long. She claims that she just doesn't have the sex drive...and gurantees me that its not becuase shes kicking it with someone else. Its been a month since the break up and I still want her back. This has been our only issue within our 9 month period. I told her I respected that she needed to get somethings figured out and that she could always rely on me. Its been a month...i'm still waiting

2006-11-05 12:26:52 · 16 answers · asked by Doug051 1

but he stoill flirts with me like putting things in my face does he like me still

2006-11-05 12:26:33 · 8 answers · asked by A F 1

but he stoill flirts with me like putting things in my face does he like me still

2006-11-05 12:25:41 · 14 answers · asked by A F 1

he has hit her once he yells at her and he always puts her down yet he buys her flowers and gifts they are both 16 she has dated him for 2 years she also lost her virginity to him how can i break this up i kow she wants too but is afraid to

2006-11-05 12:25:29 · 13 answers · asked by babyboomer62846 1

There is a guy at my play practice who is really nice and cute. He's one of the leads, and I'm in the chorus. We are in a lot of scenes together. I've known him for a few years now from previous plays, but it's been a really long time since I've seen him last. He's a year older than me- I'm fifteen, he's sixteen. We go to different schools. I really wanna be closer to him, but he has so many people around him all the time and I am kind of reserved (always with my two friends there). Any ideas? We all already have each other email's and numbers, so I can't ask him for either. Any advice or suggestions are loved. I don't know if I should just hang back and let him come to me, but do you think he ever will? We talk when we can- it's never awkward of anything. Sometimes we catch each other's eye and then we both look away. But I don't know if that's just coincidence.

I know I have posted this a few times, but it's hard to get good advice. I'm also self-concious... I don't make 'moves'

2006-11-05 12:24:49 · 15 answers · asked by Sarah 1

2006-11-05 12:24:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

lets have all the ugly people move to alaska what u think im tired of looking at em

2006-11-05 12:19:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

a fade haircut

2006-11-05 12:19:15 · 18 answers · asked by juju 3

2006-11-05 12:18:46 · 1 answers · asked by Tony 1

Went on a date last Friday, did the whole thing, made her laugh listened to her for a good hour or so(I mean actually listened didn't just nod my head...some of us guys can actually do that you know!:-)) I complimented her on her clothes and hair etc(which was easy if I'm honest as she was gorgeous!) but after a few drinks she made some excuse to leave early, so I walked with here to the car park(being the gentleman that I am).She left in such a hurry I could have sworn the wheels on her car were screeching!......I'm guessing that wasn't a good sign?....lol.

Maybe I should try the nasty b****rd approach...hmm...works for some people I know....the only problem is I cant help but be Mr nice, that's just me!(don't get me wrong I don't have a halo or anything, I can be a bad boy to if the time arises ;-) lol)
What I guess I'm saying is if your going to complain about men being b****rds then give the good guys a chance we are out there you know. :-)

2006-11-05 12:18:11 · 10 answers · asked by mr_f.methathurts 1

i cant see my bf for 3 days all because xspeld from school and i wunt to see him and he wunt to see me to whut shod we do

2006-11-05 12:17:26 · 11 answers · asked by ciara c 1

i just dated her and all we do is walk and talk and all of the above, what should i move on to and how should i aproach, help me out

2006-11-05 12:16:42 · 12 answers · asked by The A Man 1

spotanous as in flying totake me away, or send me flowers fromanother state, romanceme, see if u get me

2006-11-05 12:16:37 · 6 answers · asked by Kymmberleigh R 1

just because someone is jealous that you're with someone else...does it meen that they like you?

2006-11-05 12:15:43 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like this girl and i know shes bi and she always talks about her ex-girlfriend that got killed and i always see her with guys....what does that mean???????????????

2006-11-05 12:14:57 · 9 answers · asked by vc 1

do any girls know the signs of boyz liking u??anyone know

2006-11-05 12:14:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world..I love her with all of my heart and soul...The last year has been incredible,,,we love each other,,respect each other,,,talk openly,,share everything,,,but the last few weeks,,she seems to take everything I say in a negitive light...ex..She called the other day and it rang on my sons cell phone for some reason,,I was curious if there was a problem with the phone and asked if she meant to call my sons line (which would have been fine,,,great as a matter of fact) she got defensive and asked my why I was angry that she was calling my sons line and if I did not want her to do that anymore....I was shocked and it seems that every little thing lately she assumes that I am angry,,,,I know relationships have good and bad times,,,that love is not a feeling, but a decision,,but I sure would like to know what is going on,,,,

2006-11-05 12:14:25 · 5 answers · asked by hunter65 1

Whether or not your partner is attractive does not affect how it feels like to be in bed with him/her. It feels the same with almost anybody as long as s/he is healthy. Then why do we all go for an attractive partner?

2006-11-05 12:14:05 · 8 answers · asked by Mr. Main Event 5

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