I am engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world..I love her with all of my heart and soul...The last year has been incredible,,,we love each other,,respect each other,,,talk openly,,share everything,,,but the last few weeks,,she seems to take everything I say in a negitive light...ex..She called the other day and it rang on my sons cell phone for some reason,,I was curious if there was a problem with the phone and asked if she meant to call my sons line (which would have been fine,,,great as a matter of fact) she got defensive and asked my why I was angry that she was calling my sons line and if I did not want her to do that anymore....I was shocked and it seems that every little thing lately she assumes that I am angry,,,,I know relationships have good and bad times,,,that love is not a feeling, but a decision,,but I sure would like to know what is going on,,,,
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