Well, there are several ways around this. Look him dead in the eye, but act totally casual. When you think he is lying, watch closely. Does he look away? Does he touch his face? Does he cross his arms over his chest? Does he shift his weight? Does he say "Uh..." when he isn't trying to remember something? In general, does he look uncomfortable?
If he looks uncomfortable, then he isn't telling the truth. Not to say that he is lying, of course. He could simply be omitting something. Or maybe he really was out with the boys and is trying to cover for his Friend's screw up.
There are the obvious signs also for infidelity. Finding panties or bras that don't belong to you, hugging him and getting a whiff of a foreign perfume, his hair or clothes are unusually rumpled, he takes more and more "private" calls on his cell.
Hope I've helped!
2006-11-05 13:00:52
answer #1
answered by Shel K 3
With some men I you can tell they're lying simply because their lips are moving. In general, it can be difficult to tell if someone is lying. Listen not only to what your boyfriend says but the non-verbal things he does. Does he touch his face while he is talking? Does he maintain eye contact? Does he shake his head? All of these can be cues of a person being dishonest. Hopefully you know your boyfriend well enough to either trust or distrust him. Trust your gut feeling and go with that.
2006-11-05 20:45:53
answer #2
answered by Carole 5
I am really not sure what ''lien'' means. I am sure that you are trying to say ''lying''. If that is the case then I suggest learning how to talk or spell before you have a boyfriend. I fear that you may be too young to have one.
2006-11-05 20:39:34
answer #3
answered by angel l 3
If you smell a perfume on him that you know you don't use. Lipstick on the collar. He fills his pockets full of condoms before going bowling with the guys. After bugging you to have sex with you for years, he suddenly falls asleep when YOU request it. You get hang up calls, he sneaks away for private phone calls and comes home late all the time, with ******** excuses.
There are plenty more, but you get the picture...
2006-11-05 20:43:14
answer #4
answered by Jeff W 4
People who are lying touch their face more often. Also, if you ask him regular questions like,"What did you have for dinner" or something casual..watch his body language. Which way does he look when he's trying to remember something you know he isn't going to lie about. What are his normal facial expressions? Use his normal behavior to spot the odd stuff. And if the answer is too complicated..yeah..a lie.
2006-11-05 20:38:24
answer #5
answered by WhitneyR 4
What's lien?
2006-11-05 20:35:58
answer #6
answered by tmac 5
look in his eyes when u r talking.
if he looks away when he says something that u think is a lie...
it is !!
an other sign is when he is touching his mouth when telling a lie!
2006-11-05 20:40:16
answer #7
answered by ? 2
the same way cops do: eye movement, shifting, figiting, change in tone of voice, odd pause
2006-11-05 20:37:54
answer #8
answered by mustang_silverado 3
look him straight in the eyes when your doing this if you get a gut feeling go with what ever it is saying.
2006-11-05 20:37:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When his lips move, as the saying goes.
Trust your feelings, you don't have to prove he is lying to you.
2006-11-05 20:36:52
answer #10
answered by Computer Guy 7