ok... i'm so pissed off !!!! i am almost 18 years old, but i've never had a girlfriend !!! i've never kissed a girl in my life (french kiss) !!!!! i'm still a vergin !!!, i dont know whats wrong with me, i dont think i'm that ugly... i put my pic on hotornot website, and people rated me 8.3/10... and i put my other pic and i got like 7.7.... !!!!! but i gotta say that i'm very shy......, why cant i get a girlfriend ?!!!!! is it because i'm shy/ugly or what ?? i mean even if i'm shy, if a girl likes me , then she will talk to me...... i'm so pissed off !!!! is it because i'm not from USA ???, could it be the place i live in (i lived in a different place when i first came to the U.S. and i talked to a lot of girls, but when i moved to this state, girls barly talk to me !!!, whats wrong with me? please give me some tips !!! i'm reallly mad !!! :(
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