okay, i know that Christmas is sort of earlyto mention but i have to buy a lot of gifts since i have abf added to the list. me and him go back 14 months, broke up for 3 months and began to re-date since we are attending the same university-that is all the background info. now, here comes the more complex partt: figuring out what to get him. i cannot get him a gift card since that was a deal we made, no CD's, no DVD's, no electronics-he is a computer science major by the way. he likes what i call preppy clothes: Nautica, Lacoste, Polo, and has the same taste when it comes to colognes as well:Polo Sport, RL Romance, Reaction, etc. rt. now i found out that he doe not like Nauctica anymore, but another brand yet has almost all the polos in all the diff. colors and patterns. i cannot give him what i gave him last Christmas: a $150 watch, nor cologne since he got that for Valentine's Day. he told me to get him something that he does not have: but he has everything! help please!
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