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Other - Family & Relationships - 9 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

As I was trying to leave the house one day my son told me that his friend needed to tell me something. Thinking it was something trivial I tried to put the little girl off until I came back . My son insisted that she really needed to tell me now so I asked her what it was. She then told me that her Papa (Mom's live-in boyfriend of 5 years) licks her bottom! I was shocked and after much thought decided I would go to her house and talk to her Mom about what she had said. The mom seemed to think basically that it was "made up" because she was mad at him or her. I believed the little girl and more or less told the Mom either she did something about it or I would. A few days later I was told the girl had not been to school and that "HE" was still there! I then called DHS and reported it. She was removed from the home for 1 year and nothing has ever been done to this guy and I want to know why?!?!? He needs to pay for what he did to this little girl. Please help!

2007-03-09 23:45:30 · 12 answers · asked by byotch 1

How can the rest of the people help seniors?

2007-03-09 23:15:31 · 25 answers · asked by ebistart 2

What does it mean when a guy that’s a stranger to you acts normal and flirts with confidence around other girls. But when I go near him or when he sees me coming he acts all weird and looks down or darts across the room. we don’t talk to each other cause were strangers but we did say hi once or twice,but now its like that.I feel awkward around him, his friends are looking when I go past and have that I know something u don’t know look on their face. I feel like they are making fun of me,maybe paranoid. He doesn’t act too nervous when with other girls, but when I talk (try to) to him he gets all quiet and fidgetty.and then he quickly disappears. What does that mean?Guys what if you are a shy guy and there’s this chick u really like, u see her regularly but don’t know her. What would you do? Would you act uninterested, run, or summon courage? Im also shy. Don’t know what to do he makes me nervous. Is there signs I should look for that say I have a girlfriend?what u consider as a move?

2007-03-09 23:15:24 · 3 answers · asked by missTQ 2

2007-03-09 22:57:20 · 2 answers · asked by jake l 1

2007-03-09 22:46:20 · 10 answers · asked by Green Valley 2

I have a grassy hilltop behind my house out in the middle of a huge field. On a warm breezy night its SO erotic to take a blanket to the top of the hill and make love underneath the stars. Naked with all that warm air is something magical.

2007-03-09 22:22:17 · 7 answers · asked by CROSS-EYED PENGUIN 4

guys if you really liked someone you didnt know...how would you act around them,,,would you ignore them or try to get to know them?,,ps you are hot,,but shy,,

2007-03-09 22:18:18 · 6 answers · asked by missTQ 2

What is the craziest/the most romantic thing your husband/boyfriend has ever done for you? How did you react on it? Please, share it! Thanks!

2007-03-09 22:06:19 · 6 answers · asked by sslloonniikk 1

no one like you or i watch any where i found you

2007-03-09 21:48:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my ex and i broke up about 5 months ago. we were together for almost 3 years. we broke up because we fought over really dumb things. it takes two to fight. we have just recently started to be friends again, he told me he doesn't want to mess around because he is talking to someone online and is in a relationship with her. i know how that is because i have had that before, but at the time i dated others, why sit around waiting to meet this person, when you could be losing a chance with someone better here? yeah, share an online thing, but since you aren't able to meet right away why not date others?

i have changed and realized what i have done wrong in the relationship, and am trying to convince him i've changed, but he doens't believe that. we both made mistakes and are both guilty.

2007-03-09 21:46:37 · 4 answers · asked by Lisa 1

it is now 2:22 am where i am what time is it where u r?

2007-03-09 21:24:34 · 11 answers · asked by Stephanie B 1

Guess And provide detailed explaination why u think so... haha

2007-03-09 21:04:28 · 2 answers · asked by big_swords 2

My brother for several reasons is volunteering to deploy early to Afganistan. While processing his paperwork he updated his will & increased his life insurance to as much as he could get & even got extra from outside the military. He also included his will set aside part of his "estate" to set up a trust fund for his ex's son from a relationship before him. He still cares for both & the father of the son is a deadbeat. Anyways he figures if he dies while deployed or whatever that setting alittle aside would help him go to school maybe even beyond while also help her by not making her have to worry so much about saving as she is struggling to get back on her feet after kicking out her latest guy.The opinion finally is would you inform her ahead or wait & have her find out only if something happens. I personally think he should wait but thats me. He feels he should get her input as it put her into a guilt trip of sorts since he would be gone.

2007-03-09 20:53:10 · 8 answers · asked by bpeter3196 5

2007-03-09 20:04:01 · 21 answers · asked by nendlin 6

In making decision in life, which comes first? family, love or work?

2007-03-09 19:59:00 · 8 answers · asked by sure_whatever_29 3

I was just wondering about this. I've been married for a few years and my husband never attempted anal on me. He told me he did it twice on his ex but said he didn't really like it because it's gross. He also said I'm not the type of woman who would like it...
What does this mean? Should I believe him when he says he dislikes anal sex?

2007-03-09 19:19:59 · 4 answers · asked by phoenix_rising_28 2

How Many Sex Partners Does A Person Have Yearly On Average Per Age, & Gender.?

Ok, Heres The Deal, I Thought Woman Who Had Sex With So Many Guys Were Floosies. & I Have A Guilty Concience, But Now Im Learning That Woman Have Many Sexual Encounters Just As Often As Men. Whether Im Wrong Or Right So What. Im Trying To Come Up With Some Averages. If Ur Willing To Participate, Comment Back With W/e U Would Like To Say, & Then Your Past Experiences Like So (here Is Mine) :

Im 17

*(start With The Age U Lost Your Virginity & How Many Partners You Had That Age)

Age. # Of Partners

So, Im 17, & Ive Been With 9 Guys. Yes Im Ashamed But Im Curious To Know How Many Others Are There With This Kinda Record, Whether Or Not Male/female.??! Cuz I Kno Guys In Their 60s!!! So Thanks.!

2007-03-09 19:15:13 · 10 answers · asked by CuRiOuS1989.! 1

I was cleaning up some stuff tonight & opened a shoe box to see if it needed throwing away & it had approx. 3-5 different vibrators & the cleaner (which was almost gone) in it. This blew my mind! I don't know what to think. WHY? And I saw a receipt that showed that it was purchased while we have been together...actually, 3 days before Christmas. WHAT do I need to do about this? What do I need to think about it? What do I need to ask? Everyone, please help!

2007-03-09 19:07:54 · 5 answers · asked by Joe N 1

This question is only for young single guys from India.

the situation is the west is very, very different, so the western's answers will not mean much here.

If you are in a situation (e.g. a fracture) where your very personal and private daily routines like urinating, defecating, changing clothes and underwear, etc. has to be done by another person...... who would make you the most embarrasing choice and who would be the least embarrassing:

1. Your family member like a brother or father
2. Your friend
3. Your male cousin

Also tell me how embarrassed will you feel in the hospital if these acts are conducted by a female nurse.

2007-03-09 19:07:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Plz list...thanks

2007-03-09 19:01:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i lost my virginity to my boyfriend 3 days ago. and the next day we got into an arguement so i couldn't see him. i felt sexually frustrated that i went and had sex with a friend.... I started my "once a month thing" yesterday and still had sex. always with a condom of course. my other question is -
ladies - have you had sex during your period?
guys - ever had sex with a girl during her period?

2007-03-09 18:44:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

oK, hErEs ThE DeAL, i ThOuGhT WoMaN WhO hAd SeX WiTh So MaNy GuYs WeRe FloOsiEs. & i HaVe A GuiLtY CoNciEnCe, BuT NoW iM LeArNiNg ThAT WoMaN hAvE MaNy SeXuAL EnCoUnTeRs JuSt As oFtEn As MeN. WhEtHeR iM WrOnG oR RiGhT So WhAt. iM TrYiNg To CoMe uP WiTh SoMe AvErAgEs. iF uR WiLLiNg To PaRtiCiPaTe, CoMMeNt BaCk WiTh W/e U WoULd LiKe To SaY, & ThEn YoUr PaSt ExPeRiEnCeS LiKe So (hErE iS miNe) :

Im 17

*(StArT wiTh ThE aGe u LoSt YoUr ViRgiNiTy & HoW mAnY PaRtNeRs YoU hAd ThAT AgE)

AgE. # oF PaRtnErs

So, Im 17, & iVe BeEn WiTh 9 GuYs. yEs iM aShAmEd BuT iM CuRiOuS To KnOw HoW mAnY OtHeRs ArE ThErE WiTh ThiS kiNdA ReCoRd, WhEtHeR oR nOT MaLe/FeMaLe.??! CuZ i KnO GuYs iN ThEiR 60s!!! So ThAnKs.!

2007-03-09 18:43:14 · 5 answers · asked by CuRiOuS1989.! 1

I have had enough. I can sit here for days describing how many lies are reported by the news. Time and time again you will hear reporters give information about areas they or their sources have absolutely no knowledge of. I, firmly, believe something needs to be done about this.
I have never heard the news report about how awful they can be, only about how awful everyone else is. They make claims that they are informing the public because we have the right to here the truth. Where is the truth in false claims? Where is the truth in only one side of the story? Where is the truth when one news station says one thing and one station says the opposite? Where is the truth in scaring people and making money off of misery?
The news does not always report horrible things and I’m positive not all the people of the media are bad. However I can no longer decide if they do this for the good of people or try to do some decent things to waiver the ideas of how people view them. If this is the case, good only being done for attraction, then propaganda is a factor here.
I have nothing to gain by what I’m about to ask of you except a better, more honest world for the human race and our children. I am asking you to search and if you are as disturbed
As I, take action. I am proposing a major black out of the news at home, work, school, etc. Every month, on the 7th, until the media in your area (if is misleading) has announced a public apology, proposing a solution to do more for their communities regarding peace and honesty. Do not watch, listen or read the news on the 7th of every month. Change the stations, don’t use the internet, and cancel papers.
If you are with me e-mail, call, write, do what ever it takes to contact people around you. I don’t just propose this to the U.S. but to the World. If you know a language other than the one you have received this page in then translate it. If you are with me and have tips on how to reach out to others or need help please e-mail me syckntired@yahoo.com

2007-03-09 18:43:01 · 2 answers · asked by syckntired 1

qwestion: I neeed help I need a job that isent off and on
to get money and I'm trying so hard to go back to school and I want to get a steedy job because the off and on thing isent enought to live on really. Now we moved 3000 milles for my my sister, she lives with her husband, and now after all that she acts so evil and says we bug her when we dont go over there anymore becaue of the way she acts! The problome is that she want's me to watch her 1year 7 mounth old son but I can't do that and get a job and she knows that. And says she will pay me in fast food LOL I need the money to get thing I need. How do I deal?
I don't have a back bone I bairly can stand up to people but yet she knows that and is still bugging me. She is selfish and knows I wanna help her. She just wants me to put my life on hold so that she can start hers. I feel traped and starting to get depressed someone help PLZ!

2007-03-09 18:17:36 · 10 answers · asked by Jazz 3

2007-03-09 18:17:24 · 3 answers · asked by Una* 1

Do you ever get to the point where you just feel like everything is meaningless...no one is sincere...you just want to make it all go away, make it all stop...im tired of living, tired of hurting, of feeling the pain of everyday life...tired of pretending to be happy so everyone else will leave me alone...tired of people not understanding, not even trying to understand...i just want it to be over and done with sometimes.

2007-03-09 18:08:40 · 6 answers · asked by B 3

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