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Friends - January 2007

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Being a 15 year old, I have gone to school for 11 years now. I have had some good times but my sorrows and pains are what really have stuck around to pressure me to conform to society but I have remained firm on my Christian background. I have to say this before I go any further though that I have never had a single friend in all of my years of being alive. I would try to make friends with people but they shun me out because I don't listen to rap and pimp every girl in town. I believe in the good Lord above. I had fallen in love with a girl in my english class in November and had tried to make a friendly conversation with her but because I am very shy towards girls, I couldn't talk to her face to face so I wrote her letters. One day, infront of 200 students, her friends and two teachers, to get me out of her life, she said she ws lesbian. But I know it was only a way to try to get me away from her. I have no friends still and I am feeling very lonely. What should I do?

2007-01-10 02:16:43 · 5 answers · asked by Adam Chambers 4

How do you tell her that she doesn't need to be having sex just to tell everyone that she isn't a virgin?

2007-01-10 02:10:03 · 15 answers · asked by Cherri09 2

is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? if yes why do you think so? and if not why not? I have a good friend that thinks he is in love with two women,he said he feels so close to both of them and he thinks about both women at the same time. so he asked me if it is possible. I can't give him an answer so I kind of change the subject but I don't want to keep avoiding the question.is it possible that it maybe just lust and not love? help so I don't have to keep avoiding the question. thanks

2007-01-10 02:07:49 · 34 answers · asked by heavenlyangelscent 2

Can you give me all the advice you can please.

2007-01-10 02:05:07 · 11 answers · asked by killer of all 1

2007-01-10 01:55:22 · 15 answers · asked by collegegalok 1

2007-01-10 01:26:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont know why but i always have trouble making friends. someimes when i talk there are these awkward pauses for a few seconds after i talk. not only that, i dont feel like im interesting enough for them. one more thing, coming from a muslim-majority school, i dont know how to pray and im afraid they'd judge me for that. what should i do?

2007-01-10 01:16:20 · 11 answers · asked by weirdo_in_america 1

my very good friend proposed me i don't want to lose him but in the same time i'm confused. please help me

2007-01-10 01:15:43 · 4 answers · asked by vishakha 1

i had a very close guy friend (Rodney). we were close last time until he found out that i have been in love with him for a long time. we sort of drifted apart and im pretty sure he is avoiding since he doesnt feel the same way . we still talk once in a while though..

i tried very hard to get over him and i met someone else (David). it happens so that (David ) looks so much alike like(Rodney) including the facial structure mannerism .. the only difference is their hair color. i have to admit that David reminds me of Rodney very much.. but David was the one who "found" me .

long story short. Rodney(my old friend) got to know of our relationship and he even got the guts to tell David that i am only with him because he (david) looks like him(rodney).
but thats not true coz i find that David is such a nice person. now David thinks that he is just a replacement for Rodney..
how do i explain to David .. i just dont understand why rodney suddenly try to close again .

2007-01-10 01:03:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I absolutely hate rap music, but im black.
People make fun of me for it all of the time.
Do you think I should talk to them about it, or
just not listen to them?

2007-01-10 00:26:44 · 29 answers · asked by Shauna. 2

My best friend (male) and I had phone sex last night. I want to text him to see how he is today but am stuck for words. Don't just wanna say "How are you?" would like to say something a bit more witty. What do you suggest?

2007-01-10 00:26:30 · 18 answers · asked by Chickadee 2

ok..im in the process of moving out on my own but i dont have a job right now, i go to school..im also job hunting desperately and hopin i find somethin soon..i cant stand livin in my parents house any longer, also im les..and i'll luv to have my g/f spend the nite with me without my parents naggin me..i have this nice guy friend and he offered to give me a room in his 2 bedroom apartment until i can move out on my own.. he said he wont feel right askin me to pay rent?what do u guys think? is it ok and should i move there?any thoughts would be appreciated

2007-01-10 00:26:21 · 9 answers · asked by bandi 2

he then asked if i believed in god, i told him no, but now i`ve been told i shouldn`t have said that. so should i lie to my son??he`s 6 years old.

2007-01-10 00:11:35 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-10 00:01:35 · 8 answers · asked by lil miz 1

2007-01-09 23:52:14 · 11 answers · asked by aabrarhussain 1

There were some guys chasing me,and they treated me like a princess.However, afterI refused them,only one of them still keep in touch with me,the others don't even want to talk to me when we run into each other.And,i like to make friends with different people from different countries on internet,to know about their cultrues.But many of them asked me for my naked pics,when i said no,they said Goodbye to me.

2007-01-09 23:49:38 · 8 answers · asked by ♡Ling♫ 3

2007-01-09 23:43:57 · 8 answers · asked by Sammy 1

2 start wid i gt in2 a relationship wen i ws least prepared.said 'i luv u' wen i hardly meant it.continued 4 mnths witout telling him dt i dnt love him.hooked up wid another guy whom i really love..lately i'v been ignoring this guys calls.msgs n postponing meetings jst 2 get rid of him sum how.still he like calls everyday.bt now i cnt take it ne more,,its kinda suffocating.bt at d same time i dnt hav d guts 2 tell him dt i like sum1 else n i really did nt mean all dt i said
help!!!!!!!!wat do i do??

2007-01-09 23:26:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is regarding friendhship is the biggest in the world no caste no language no sex i want to develop how

2007-01-09 23:25:52 · 4 answers · asked by Ratnam S 2

2007-01-09 23:24:39 · 10 answers · asked by asif ama 1

Preferly one in my own range of age not elder than 30 and not younger than 20.
I'd like to talk on mic

2007-01-09 23:22:42 · 2 answers · asked by runny 1

I am 22 and i am looking for a penpal, male or female between 21 and 40, to chat about anything from holidays to their love lives, anyone out there interested?

2007-01-09 23:22:34 · 22 answers · asked by ? 5

i mean i luv my best friend like a sista but shes turning into a total jerk and i dont kno how to tell her that i really dont like the chik she hanging with but she has her friends and i have mine and shes strting to ditch me for the other chik~!!!!!!!!!~

2007-01-09 23:07:00 · 2 answers · asked by Jordannnn 2

one of my best friends is diong this do you theink its fair

2007-01-09 22:57:43 · 4 answers · asked by sporty chick 1

i don't think so. ex: yesterday, a friend of mine decided that he's no longer going to talk to me. no reasoning, no indication, nothing happened, like a fight. that's fine with me..i'm a big girl and i can handle that. it'd be nice to have a reason but whatever. then within an hour after that two of his friends that were also my friends stopped talking to me to 'keep the drama to a minimum'. the thing is i'm 24, i have no need for drama and nothing to say about him, i wish him all the best. it's funny because they're all in their late twenties too(26, 27, 29). so my question to you is that some sort of clique mentality because high school never ends, or is it like an evolutionary herd instinct? lol.(really this whole thing amuses me i just wanted opinions on it =])

ps-will you be my friend? hahah

2007-01-09 22:40:52 · 7 answers · asked by Kismet 7

I'm bored and looking for friends.

2007-01-09 22:22:14 · 2 answers · asked by wordistob 2

i want know how to tell some one about me

2007-01-09 22:12:46 · 3 answers · asked by vinod m 1

2007-01-09 22:06:10 · 10 answers · asked by seema a 1

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