We have been together for two years and we have two childen.
We have had a joint bach party planned for over a year. We wanted a non traditional party His "new" bestman, the other could not get off of work, is now telling us how to run the show. Bestman is now refusing to go to our already planned event and is telling me when to free up our crazy wedding schedule so he can take my fiance our for "guy" fun.
I do not like strip clubs. If you are in a commited relationship you do not go outside it for sexual anything. I see it as a form of cheating. The bestman is telling me, regardless of how I feel this is what they are doing.
The best part of this all is we are getting married in a month. We have A TON to do and with my fiance working two jobs I have little help as it is.
I try to tell my fiance that a relationship is give and take, but he views that idea as me trying to run/ruin his life and I can't tell him what to do. I am not trying to tell him what to do just how I fee
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