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Global Warming

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Is it true the world is ending I hear alot of stories about it and some of it has to do with global warming. Also each year things keep changing, kids having sex at a young age, alot of killing, drugs, and alot of other stuff as well keeps occuring.

2007-09-13 15:46:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

The latest addition to their scheme is how quickly Humberto went from a tropical storm to a hurricane. In 16 hours. Big deal. They had 85 mile an hour winds and 100,000 people lost power. In the midwest, we call that a thunderstorm and they pop up in a matter of minutes, not hours.

Last year was supposed to be a horrible year for Hurricanes and there were few. This year they are already behind on their predictions and many scientists are back peddling.

Yet were supposed to believe their predictions that 50 years from now a bunch of polar bears will have died.

These scientists have no idea what will happen next week let alone 50 years. If the globe is warming it is probably from all the hot air coming out of ALGORE.

2007-09-13 15:33:08 · 13 answers · asked by songndance1999 4

Since record keeping began in 1979, Antarctica shows the largest surface area of sea ice. It is currently at 16.2 million square kilometers of sea ice, and it's winter is now 0.6 C. cooler than in 1957. Don't tell me that's because of global warming.



2007-09-13 14:59:35 · 7 answers · asked by Tomcat 5


2007-09-13 12:30:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just finished watching this show on national georaphic and Im confused. Some people say its real some say that its a big hoax. What do you think?

2007-09-13 11:56:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are all those cows contributing to global warming? This is what Al Gore says as he boards his luxurious-oversized private jet. What about poultry?

Soon it will be shown (unscientifically of course) that eating plants causes global warming as well.

2007-09-13 10:56:20 · 13 answers · asked by Tom S 7

can some one get me some trustable sights about global warming that thinks human kind is actually causing it to cool in the distant* future?

*-not sure how long into the future

2007-09-13 10:31:29 · 7 answers · asked by kaMEron™ 3

So if we are to believe the latest fear mongering, Polar Bears will be extinct in 50 years do to global warming.

So are we to believe that Polar bears as a species only came into existence since the last ice age?

If they evolved into "Polar" bears, won't they evolve back into regular bears that can withstand the temperature increase?

Or does "evolution" only work once for a species?

2007-09-13 09:21:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

During this time of human extinction, will small animals survive the upcoming ice age/global warming, but we won't? What are the exact probabilities of survival for humans? Will there be humans that survive the next ice age when the entire globe is encircled with ice at least 1 mile deep? Where will they live? What will they eat? How will human survival take place?

2007-09-13 09:02:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

They say that many temperature measurement stations are too close to urban development. It seems "logical" but has no data to back it up.

Study after study has shown that this is not contaminating the data.


Deniers cite websites that have examined the stations. Some make pseudoscientific claims, like "rating" the stations from 1 to 5. But the scientific studies show they're wrong.

This graph is considered authoritative even by "skeptical" scientists like Richard Lindzen. Note the size of the green error bars, about one tenth of one degree.


Another silly argument that requires thousands of Ph.D. climatologists to be idiots.

2007-09-13 08:37:34 · 14 answers · asked by Bob 7

I don't see how not having as much meat and therefore not killing as much livestock reduces the livestock population ... can someone explain this to me please?

2007-09-13 06:48:01 · 22 answers · asked by Capt. Kiith-Sa Soban 3

This is a serious question not meant to be discriminating, but I have seriously thought about it. I live in canada, in a somewhat large city, and I have noticed that wthin the last 10 or so years, as caucasian person, I have become a minority. Everywhere I go, there are fewer than 10 percent caucasian people. At the malls, at resturants, at parks... everywhere. And it seems like it's the Asian population in general that is taking over. Please do not think I am racist. I love living in this time where we can meet so many different people. But when it boils down to it, this is Canada, and it seems like anyone can get in, and that every asian person that come here, brings 10 more behind them. And then they each have 4 or 5 kids each. Seriously, like when I walked through Superstore one day, every Philippino/Chinese/Japanese couple I passed had a couple kids, one in a stroller and the Mother was pregnant. Am I the only one who thinks this way?

2007-09-13 06:33:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

....and cause earthquakes.

2007-09-13 06:26:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you guys could give me the link that would be great

2007-09-13 06:22:59 · 6 answers · asked by 1popayanco 2

Global warming has been in the headlines lately and i have a question. Why is global warming being pinned on people and cars, power plants etc. When global warming trigures an ice age. If thats the case weve already had several ice ages. so couldnt global warming just be a cycle. Cus honestly unless a trex was driving around in a himmer wouldnt an ice age just be a earth cycle?

2007-09-13 03:35:18 · 16 answers · asked by Footballer54 3

weather or not water vapour is beeing taken into account. Also recently in the artic the highes ammount of snow and ice since records started have been measured.
What does that tell us, that mans impact on the enviroment isnt as big as we thought, or that mans contribution, depsite beeing small in % when compared, is enough to have a major impact on the enviroment, to the point of raising the sea level ?

2007-09-13 01:46:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The snow reflects much of the heat sent by the Sun...

2007-09-13 01:39:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are so many people screaming about how the common person should be the one altering there lives to reduce carbon outputs? I would bet that reducing Airline travel would signifigantely reduce carbons so the the coomon citizen would not even have to change their lifestyle. Am I wrong here? I mean, God forbid that Britney Spears wouldn't be able to fly somewhere to get her coffee in the morning.

2007-09-12 20:25:12 · 13 answers · asked by haterade 3

I've seen so many questions and answers by people who can't seem to understand the difference, and most seem to be believers in global warming at that. Is that significant?

2007-09-12 18:37:36 · 7 answers · asked by fyzer 4

I just saw a fascinating show the other day about Global Dimming, the phenomenon that occured when we were pumping "DIRTY" smoke into the air from our powerplants and cars before catalitic converters and cleaners to reduce polution. The effect of this smoke was a COOLING effect, but it also caused acid rain, and serious health problems.

What the show pointed out was that the reason warming has really sped up in the past 30 years is because of all the steps we have taken to clean up air polution. This cleaning does nothing to the CO2 produced, so the warming started.

Couldn't we develop a safe additive for powerplants that has the same dimming effect as the polution from years ago but doesn't cause acid rain and health problems?

2007-09-12 15:01:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-12 11:19:14 · 3 answers · asked by jim m 5

2007-09-12 11:18:17 · 5 answers · asked by jim m 5

Zach Goldsmith's plans for 'green taxes' have a fatal flaw, which both he and Calamity Dave Cameron would have discovered had they the wit to carry out any research.

Global warming is a lie!

In fact there is an ongoing offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone who can prove that man made activities contribute to climate change.

There have been no takers.

Polar bears, are doing very nicely, according to The World Wild Life Fund.

CO2 levels follow changes in temperature and therefore cannot cause it.

It was warmer in the middle ages when the Vikings farmed Greenland, and much colder in Victorian times when the Thames used to freeze over.

David Bellamy, Christopher Monkton are just two of the 17,000 scientists who have dismissed global warming as junk science based on computer models that are less reliable than wetting your forefinger and holding it in the air to see which way the wind is blowing.

The Gulf Stream is fine, there has been no abnormal fluctuations in the Earth's climate.

2007-09-12 11:11:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think we can stop it?

2007-09-12 10:22:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think about it, we find oil in the deserts, coal and oil and gas under the ice caps, oil and gas under seas, so at some stage in these areas, ( which are either desserts now or snow covered ice caps ) there was once trees and vegitation, for coal to compact, oil to form and gas to be trapped in large pockets. So who caused global warming then ? Wot U Think ?

2007-09-12 08:59:12 · 25 answers · asked by jerbal 1


My take is this is hype! I dont see how warming the earth and the resultant increase in water vapor/cloud formation reduces water availability. It may be redistributed but the failing crops etc is mostly hype.

2007-09-12 08:19:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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