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Movies - 28 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

I think so. He can get a new upgrade with a new body and other cool new weapons.

2007-05-28 13:00:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine is Back to the Future, Office Space, Christmas Vacation, Ace Ventura, JFK, Apollo 13, Why We Fight(documentary), Major League, Dumb and Dumber, DodgeBall, Die Hard 2, and "I Know What You Did Last Summer".

2007-05-28 12:28:54 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you know anything about Silent Films and movies could ya tell me please?

Thank You for your time

2007-05-28 12:06:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-28 11:57:59 · 6 answers · asked by mei 1

- why does wills dad kill the commodor and almost kill will?
- who is the pirate that randomly comes in at the brethren court who kind of looks like captain hook
- does will only get to come on land one day every 10 years to see elizabeth now?
- and what was the deal with calypso-- she didn't do anything

thanks, if you know the answers to any of those!

2007-05-28 11:44:17 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Staring Kiera Knightley as the queen of 'arts & Tamer Hussan as Dodi, guest staring the Stig as 'the driver'......Oh come on people, leave it out for fcuks sake!!!

2007-05-28 11:44:15 · 15 answers · asked by cockneyboy 2

2007-05-28 11:33:41 · 9 answers · asked by aligater3000 1

omg! I love this movie like craz-eh! But few questions here! Okay so i did go to the premiere, but i have a few questions.

IS THERE GOING TO BE A 4th one! - omg! I cant imagine that Will and Elizabeth can only be together for those short times! I can't live with that! So there has to be a 4th right? And the whole fountain of youth thing???? So there is going to be a fouth one!

At the VERRRY beginning when liz's boy is getting hung, is that just a dream because it she doesnt have him till the very end! And lord Beckott is there, so he didnt die?I dont get that part!

Pleeeeease help me out! I am the biggest fan of POTC and i love it so incredibly much! It cant end like this can it!?!

2007-05-28 11:30:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

..I loved the X-Files and the first movie sucked but I would still like to see a second installment

2007-05-28 11:05:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

why was there a boy with elizabeth.wasnt it the same boy from the begining of the movie?im very confused!!!!!!

2007-05-28 10:55:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok i have a question about pirates of the carribien 3. At the very end.. Does Will get to see Elizabeth only once every ten years or if she stays faithful to him for 10 years, the curse is broken and he can stay with her on land... Because i have heard all kinds of answers and versions so i want to know what you think? And did u see the very end, after the credits? So what is the very final ending??!

2007-05-28 10:20:38 · 11 answers · asked by forversquid 3

Are you not going to the movie theatres much this summer because of the gas and ticket prices? Are you limiting how many movies you will see? Tell me if you are making other plans for summer entertainment..

2007-05-28 10:19:57 · 7 answers · asked by enbsayshello 5

okay, i have heard from several different people that in Walt Disney movies (cartoon) there are always some sign or sex or sexual behavior. Example would be Lion King, my friends little brother was watching it while we were over hanging out, and it's in the part were Sinba's dad is about to die and all those animals are running underneath him while he's hanging from the ledge, well when he falls and the dust is all in the air, if you pause it you will see the work "sex" in the fog. Has anybody else seen stuff like this in Disney movies?????

2007-05-28 10:08:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't remember the name of this movie!
A town or city is on fire and has to be evacuated... in one scene a childrens ward in a hospital is being evacuated by a fat nurse, she gets all the kids out but is then crushed by a wall of a collapsing building.
This is all I remember of the film.
I saw this movie when I was a kid on British television in the 80's and have been trying to find it ever since. PLEASE HELP! Thanks....

2007-05-28 10:07:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

there were a mother and a father..i think the movie takes place near an ocean or something...and in the movie...there was always the cry of a baby......i think it was called"the crying child"..anyone know where i can watch the movie??

2007-05-28 09:57:01 · 3 answers · asked by blat blat 1

Who's most compatible with Elizabeth, would you say? I'm not talking about "hotness" or what YOU yourself would prefer. Just the chemistry. Rate Will/Elizabeth and Jack/Elizabeth separately on a scale of 1-10.

My answer:
Will/Elizabeth: 7
Jack/Elizabeth: 8

Please answer!

2007-05-28 09:53:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

How much money was spent to make the documentary suprsize me. First to give a real answer will be chosen for best answer.

2007-05-28 09:52:55 · 5 answers · asked by drknemesis91 2

i dont think so but i really want there to be!!!

2007-05-28 09:52:27 · 15 answers · asked by woah 2

..the main character killed at the end?

2007-05-28 09:50:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

LOOK OUT SPOILER QUESTION COMING!!!!! ******* ******************* ************ ******* ______ _________ ______****************~~~~~~~~~~~~~******************~~~~~~~~~~~


Who thought it was TOTALLY COOL how they played the sound effects from the POTC ride at disneyland in the scene as they are crossing over to davvy jone's locker?!?!?!!? THAT WAS COOL AND I AM SO GLAD THEY DID THAT!!!

2007-05-28 09:28:32 · 4 answers · asked by tuaamicasiciliana 2

As captain of the Flying Dutchman he can only go ashore every 10 years and he left Caylpso/Tia his wife Calypso cheated on him by dating jack so Davy Jones sent his ship 2 the depps and barbosa got it and jack stole it.
In #2 tia said it was a woman he fell in love with gibbs say he heard it was the sea tis says SAME story DIFFERENT versions and ALL are TURE

2007-05-28 08:23:09 · 11 answers · asked by milliedillmount 3

My friend thinks there is still atleast one out there. Prove her wrong please.

2007-05-28 08:06:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-28 08:05:02 · 4 answers · asked by bobnbones@sbcglobal.net 2

I've seen it on tv a few times, its older form the mid 80’s to the 90's i think.
Its about a teacher in a high school during summer school.
All the kids are bad, and don't want to be there........so he makes a deal with them, that he will do something for each of them if they will do better, so that he will look good.

One girl needed to borrow his car, for her driving test, she passed but dented his car...............
One guy had a party at his house and started a small fire
(i think)
One guy needed a bed ( he was a male stripper and one night he sees his aunt or mother there....)

One girl tries to move in with him, and starts buying food and cooking for him but he kicks her out, that’s about all I remember................. on and i think the teacher lives near or on the beach........

2007-05-28 07:49:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

as we all know the good old days when we popped in to rent a video are sadly over now. or are they?

2007-05-28 07:47:08 · 43 answers · asked by florence 4

I was wondering if James Dean and Marilyn Monroe ever stared in a film together? If so, what movie was it?

2007-05-28 07:38:13 · 2 answers · asked by somanyhataz 2

what do you think?

2007-05-28 07:20:39 · 21 answers · asked by yellowstar10 2

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