Ok i need you to rate this movie on a scale of 1 - 50 (50 being best, 1 being worst) Rate it on how much you would like to see it. Ok here it is:
Dave and Amanda board their honeymoon cruise with high hopes, but when Amanda befriends a Relationship critic on the ship, Amanda begins to doubt their marrage, after having an argument with Dave, Amanda tells him they need some time alone, nothings wrong but they just need some time to let things blow over, Dave however, has no desire for "alone time". He snaps and begins to think Jenny is trying to take Amanda away from him. Later Jenny takes Amanda to the ballrooom. unaware that Dave will be there, Amanda has a "friendly" dance with Jenny's brother, this brings Dave to the breaking point! He was already emotionally unstable but this brings him to his snapping point! He begins to kill anyone amanda comes into contact with! Dave is a genius! He kills everyone to make it look like they died from natural causes. He even kills the ship
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