the biggest one is, I really don't know what to expect. I have 13 children (it's a long story). the oldest is in college, the youngest in preschool. the main reason I'm considering is because at the elementary school that 6 of my kids go to, the other children will not leave my 9 yo alone, they call her names and make fun of her for being adopted (i've raised hell at the office, and yet nothing has happened). and my other kids stand up for her, and sometimes fights break out ending in my kids getting suspended. we were thinking about transfering all 6 of them to a different school, but the same problem may arise. and if i home school the 6 of them, then my 3 middle schoolers, and 2 high schoolers, and preschooler with also want to be homeschooled (they've been begging to be since day 1). so it would be 12 of them, all day, all alone with just me. of course, i have all summer to figure out what I'll be doing, but i would like some advice please. any and all kinds are welcome. thank you.
17 answers
asked by
Brenda with teenagers
Home Schooling