i learned that the underlying issue of most environment problems is population growth. you see, the more people to feed, the more resources, more space needed (hence why people keep clearing forests) and more strain on the environment. people should reduce the number of kids they bare, i'm not saying they shouldnt have any. The earth is not getting any bigger but people are populating as if we had INFINITE resources. The earth's resources are FINITE. i cant believe all the media focuses on is global warming and ignores the even bigger problem of population growth. after all, global warming is being caused by humans. if the population keeps exponentially growing , by the time i'm old, the earth will be overcrowded and more ruined. is this how we want to leave the earth to future generations?? dont you think people should take it easy on having so many kids?? People need to get educated to use birth control and family planning. I may not have any kids someday,i love my mother:earth.
3 answers
asked by
ILoveGreen ZipZapZop
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