My room mate is looking to make a few extra bucks, and has resorted to scouring Craigslist for research studies. She found one being conducted in the local university's sleep lab (we live in the Bay Area), and has gone through one screening process. There are no drugs involved (my understanding is that she will have one interview, then 4 nights of sleeping in the lab with electrodes stuck to her head to monitor her brain waves, stretched over a few week period), so she's totally on board. I think she should be fine, but I was wondering if anyone else out there has taken part in such studies, and are there any questions she should ask?For example, should she ask for a copy of the study and its findings upon completion of the research? Are there things she should not disclose about herself? Is there a website abouth this type of thing that I can refer her to? Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure it's totally on the level, but I'd feel better about her if we knew more.
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Higher Education (University +)