Hello, I'm a freshmen in highschool right now. I have big aspirations and ambitions for myself for the future. My dream always has been to get into an Ivy League School (specifically Harvard or Princeton). Well, for anyone who attends/attended one of these schools, could you please assist a student in need? Besides getting in, I kind of need financial advice as well.
Background info:
I have a 4.0 GPA thus far
I am in Key Club, Debate Team, Mock Trial, Model Assembly, and the Swim Team. I am basically doing the activities I care or am passionate about. I intend on running for captain or president later on: because freshmen can't
I am supposed to be top 1% in my class-- although tied with some others
Also, do you mind sharing what you received on the SAT's and ACT's?
I have big dreams, but my problem is making them come true... Could any student or alumni of any of these schools help me? My targetted future career is as a lawyer.
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Higher Education (University +)