Im 18 years old and just finished my high school. Now im taking pre-university programe that is known as Higher School Certificate(HSC) from New South Wales University,Australia. The problem im facing now is i hate the lecturer. Its because she scoled me in the crowd. She told WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE? Hence she scoled my parents that YOU DO KNOW TO TEACH YOUR SON? WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT HOME? and etc. I know she scoled me because she wants me to be a good student.But this is not the right way. I cant do anything to her because she is the head of HSC programe. So what should i do now? Should i drop my course? How am i going to explain to my parents that i can study at this college? They put so much hope on me. This will make them to drop their confident on me. If i drop out what course can i take in order to do Medicine? Please help me ,i should teach her a lesson that i can be success person one day. I really bag. I really mean it.
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Other - Education