I upgraded to 8meg a few months ago and connected via BT Voyager220v ADSL router. For the first month I was still downloading at 50-58 kbps. Reported it to B T many times. They kept telling me to ring the support line in India. Got so fed up with it and then they told me they forgot to connect me to DSL MAX. After they did, speed went up to 120 kbps (told max up to 2meg cause of where I live) Lasted a week and dropped to 60 again. Then 30!!! Numerous emails, complaints, phone calls and usual lecture of what to do with my computer to check for problems. I can tell THEM what to do now, Ive done it so many times. Have established no probs with interior wiring, or computer. Another email sent last week and given direct number for support. Speed went up to 120 kbps again, YES FOR 4 DAYS, then dropped to -60 again. Rang number for support 08456003164 and just get message that I am moving further up the queue repeated time and time again. 3 calls of 10,15 and 25 min no answer. what can I do?
7 answers
asked by
David W