My nightmare began about a year ago. At first the car would stall occassionally while I was accelerating from 2nd to 3rd gear, usually the tac would be between 2k -3k, it would suddenly cut off the engine power entirely. Many mechanics have been baffled by the lack of symptoms to diagnose and became more frequent, as time passed and I continued to drive the car. we tested the fuel injectors and found that number 1 had a ohm resistance of 13 while the other 5 had ohm resistance of 50. the mechanic demagnetised the number 1 fuel injector put it back in and the car ran beautifully for about 2months. The car was impounded for 42days, and when it was released, the trouble of stalling seemed only minor comparting all the other new troubles it is now having. new leaks are brake,clutch cyllander, power steering, my catalytic converter is seperating from the exhauste pipe, my list goes on. but really, has one reader out there experienced and resolved anything similar to this?
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