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2007-01-29 05:48:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

So my friend told me that if I dropped a Chevy 350 small block engine in my Nissan 240 (granted with a lot of altering and stuff to make it fit and work right) it would make my car super fast and all that good stuff. What do you think? Or any other suggestions for engines? Thanks

2007-01-28 15:24:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife's 2001 Altama acts like it's going to stall out at stop lights, but it corrects itself when given a little gas. It's been going on before any cold weather started and it's getting worse. The car acts like the timing is out of whack when Idleing but seems just fine when we leave the stop light. I suspect it's a fuel-air control issue. What control should I replace or adjust?

2007-01-28 13:16:34 · 4 answers · asked by BIGDAWG 4

2007-01-28 09:58:02 · 1 answers · asked by currangel 1

2007-01-28 06:31:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-27 17:52:05 · 10 answers · asked by deathcom5 3

It is automatic and when I start the vehicle and put it in reverse,, I CAN'T ....it will get stuck and I can't get it out of park.....I sometimes have to wait 10-15 mins b4 it gets unstuck....... and then I slowly shift it and it will then go into reverse and drive fine......any ideas what might be causing that? Any advice would help!! Thank you!

2007-01-27 16:56:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just bought one recently and was wondering what the weight of the car was. I'm thinking around the 3500 LBS range?

2007-01-27 13:20:05 · 1 answers · asked by SkeetOnYoChick 1

Does anyone have or know where to find a 300zx 5speed 1990-1996 for $3000 or less, must be a 5speed

2007-01-27 10:02:59 · 3 answers · asked by mre_2534 1

2007-01-27 07:54:59 · 3 answers · asked by Mirza Baig Inc m 1

My nightmare began about a year ago. At first the car would stall occassionally while I was accelerating from 2nd to 3rd gear, usually the tac would be between 2k -3k, it would suddenly cut off the engine power entirely. Many mechanics have been baffled by the lack of symptoms to diagnose and became more frequent, as time passed and I continued to drive the car. we tested the fuel injectors and found that number 1 had a ohm resistance of 13 while the other 5 had ohm resistance of 50. the mechanic demagnetised the number 1 fuel injector put it back in and the car ran beautifully for about 2months. The car was impounded for 42days, and when it was released, the trouble of stalling seemed only minor comparting all the other new troubles it is now having. new leaks are brake,clutch cyllander, power steering, my catalytic converter is seperating from the exhauste pipe, my list goes on. but really, has one reader out there experienced and resolved anything similar to this?

2007-01-27 05:33:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a 2006 nissan altima that is only 3 onths old. i went to go start it today and it would not start it did nothing when i turned the key i tried to see if the interrior light would go on and it wouldnt please tell me what is wrong with my new car

2007-01-27 02:55:30 · 7 answers · asked by mr313 1

i know the handle is screwed to the door but how do you get to the screws,appreciate any help.

2007-01-27 02:35:40 · 1 answers · asked by Aonarach 5

well, i have my mind on these cars: rx-7, rx-8, 350z, 300zx, 240sx, silivia (s13 or s14) and if i ever get enough money, maybe these: lotus esprit, elise, or exige.

i want a car that can drift nicely without too many modifications or no modifications at all.

the rx-7 and r-8 r really nice cars. the only thing wrong with them is that they r really hard to maintain because of the oil consumption. i dont think ill have enuff money to keep up with this baby.

i dont really know whats wrong with the 300sx or 350z yet. they seem like pretty good cars. if there is nothing wrong with them, i wudnt know which to get

i havent checked out the s13 yet.

2007-01-26 14:00:39 · 7 answers · asked by woot 1

Based on: which is more reliable, which has better interior, which has better navigation, stereo, features, etc.

2007-01-25 19:05:13 · 8 answers · asked by Stone B 1

I just had my transmission replaced in my 06 sentra SER SPEC-V because it would grind from 1st to second everytime. Diag at the dealership showed something was amiss (thats how they said it) so they just replaced the whole thing under my warranty. I just got it back today and it still is making the noise. Could it be something Im doing? I havent driven an automatic for that long so maybe im shifting to high? Can you do that? To me it almost sounds like is not engaging. I've made sure so hold the cluch down long enough and give it the right amount of gas. Also it never makes the noise on a downshift.
thanks for any help!!

2007-01-25 16:44:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

had tps put on ,sparkplugs,2 timing belts,injector cleaner, waterpump,fuelpump,alternater etc.

2007-01-25 07:59:53 · 5 answers · asked by DENISE B 1

anybody with an idea what could be wrong?

2007-01-25 04:47:57 · 16 answers · asked by zimmy 2

i took it to to gararge today and they changed the fuel filter. this cured it for a while but then it started to feel sluggish and kicking out soke again. these are the only symptons. any ideas whats wrong

2007-01-24 12:15:11 · 9 answers · asked by HERBS 2

the Nissan Skyline GT-R is recognized as the top dog in the world of import car culture...ever since 2Fast 2Furious, I've been in love with the R-34...it reminds me of a late 60's/early 70's muscle car but I've never seen on the streets of Maryland or Virginia...then I found out that the car is'nt sold in the US and the R-34 model is banned from street use in the States..Why is that?......

I remember reading in a tuner magazine about a business in Southern California that was illegally importing R32, R33, and even R34 Skylines...some of them were even stolen from Japan and Europe due to the rarity of these cars...I've noticed that in some tuner magazines that there are U.S. owners are profiled with R33's....so I assume, those cars are street legal....why can't the R34 be governed and neutered like every other car...is the engine design or exhaust lay out different?...also, I've seen Infintiti G35 coupes in magazines with Nissan GT-R badges like Skylines. real or custom?

2007-01-24 05:07:17 · 11 answers · asked by D.E.O.N. Sphinxxx 4

HI , i have a 2000 nissan sentra I was told I have a oil pan leak and a rear main seal leak, what would be the cost to fix this?

2007-01-23 23:51:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't find a definitive answer anywhere. I know 1991 is when Nissan switched over to using a timing chain rather than a timing belt, but I've read mixed results online about whether it is an interference or non-interference engine.

Unfortunately, now that my timing chain has broken, I really need to know whether the interior of my engine is fine, and I'm looking at a couple hundred dollar repair job, or a twisted mess of broken valves and pistons that I might as well push off the edge of a cliff.

Does anybody out there know for sure?

2007-01-23 16:23:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-23 09:12:19 · 11 answers · asked by lusious69choco 1

2007-01-23 09:07:39 · 8 answers · asked by ladiesman217 2

I'm not sure whether or not Nissan will launch a new small family car in Europe as a direct replacement of the now-defunct Almera, although the UK-built NOTE mini MPV is on sale.

2007-01-22 17:33:54 · 2 answers · asked by Viet P 4

Does the all 2005 Nissan Murano SL's have the dvd and navigation system in them? Or is that an option? I'm asking because I may be purchasing a demo but I dont remember what it had in it..


2007-01-22 11:57:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

copy and paste or click on this link and let me know the bolt pattern for the wheel in the picture. is it 4x114.3 or 4.5 or 4x100 ?


2007-01-22 10:47:13 · 3 answers · asked by Eugene 3

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