I have a class project in which we need to design a 19 passenger aircraft capable of operating under typical flight conditions for existing passenger jets (Mach ~.85-.9, at ~35,000 ft). Our design can be as exotic or mundane as we want, but the plane has to be able to safely bring the passengers at least 7000 nautical miles.
What are some good - or at least interesting - designs, and what makes them so awesome (for instance, you could say "Make it a black, blended wing body like the stealth bomber, because this configuration is very efficient and cool-looking and I would like to fly on one someday.")
Please note that I'm not trying to get anyone to do my homework for me. This will be a semester long project on which my group and I will be working out the engineering details of the chosen design. I don't really care what your answer is, just that it's creative and well-justified. I will provide a "Thumbs-Up" for good answers, and select my favorite response within the next few days.
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