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Cars & Transportation - 25 August 2006

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I am entitled to use both as I have MS and a 1 year old. But I have been told that these spaces are supplied as a courtesy and nothing can be done to enforce it. It is a private car park and therefore no laws are being broken. Once I parked behind the offending car & blocked it in for 15 minutes. But I know that was actually potentially dangerous (& no I didn't have the baby with me at the time) and probably made me no better than the person who was parked there. But it did make me feel better.

There MUST be something you can do! Any ideas?

2006-08-25 00:42:39 · 25 answers · asked by Joyous 3 in Commuting

Yesterday, I think I was flashed. I'd like to get to the envelope before my parents do. And is there any way of finding out if you've been caught speeding before the letter arrives? (Just so you know, I was only just over the limit, I'm not a dangerous maniac)

2006-08-25 00:38:44 · 14 answers · asked by Rich 1 in Safety

I am entitled to use both as I have MS and a 1 year old. But I have been told that these spaces are supplied as a courtesy and nothing can be done to enforce it. It is a private car park and therefore no laws are being broken. Once I parked behind the offending car & blocked it in for 15 minutes. But I know that was actually potentially dangerous (& no I didn't have the baby with me at the time) and probably made me no better than the person who was parked there. But it did make me feel better.

There MUST be something you can do! Any ideas?

2006-08-25 00:37:06 · 18 answers · asked by Joyous 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

2006-08-25 00:32:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft

On top it's called an upper control arm. Not sure what bolt on bottom is called. It's at the very bottom of spindle. From I guess what might be called the A fram to the spindle, keeps tire from just flopping over.

2006-08-25 00:18:47 · 3 answers · asked by highrange101 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have only been for almost three weeks

2006-08-25 00:09:51 · 22 answers · asked by Elizabeth W 2 in Commuting

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