the IRS in Texas- a community property appears they are applying their guidelines for marital property by insisting that my pension be calculated with my husbands social security,His own pension and wages to determine if HIS social security benefits are further taxable.According to publication 555,pages 2,3,4 benefits are taxable to the person whose NAME it is or OWNED by. I take this to mean;HIS social security benefits,His wages and HisPension determines whether His social security benefits are further taxable. I don't receive social security. I receive a Pension in my NAME which is taxable to me and is not community property for tax purposes just because we share [the same reporting line] on form 1040,16b, and because of where we are domiciled.Being married and filing a joint return in the state of Illinois{non-community proprty state][ permits me to make this adjustment because the social security is not taxable to me. only if spouses totaled income exceeds the limit ..?
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