I have a debt to the local hospital for the birth of my daughter. i'm fighting the insurance company (through a program offered to children of veterans) I had because I was taken off of work and school due to "high risk pregnancy". After I was taken off of work & school, I called the insurance company and they said pregnancy was considered a pre-existing condition if they were paying at the beginning of the pregnancy. The insurance company paid the first 6 months of the preg. but refuse and have denied my appeals to pay for the last 3 and the emergency c-section. I have called the hospital several times and left several messages explaining that I was in dispute with the insurance. They haven't returned ANY of my phone calls, & I haven't recieved anything from either the insurance or the hospital in the form of a bill. Has this problem been taken care of. If not, can I file bankruptcy, if the insur. company still denies. I live in MI and work as a partpaid firefighter & student
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