Political leaders, not the farmers or the industry community nor the statesmen or women are before us with questions all sorts of which the yahoo site is dominating for last few days. Now the internet medium, hetherto the domain area of the experts is being utilized by the partisanpoliticians !!!
These dirty politicans are not bothered for the cause of the pesants or that for the industry, They require only political mileage out of some issues. In their life time they never made a 'night stay' in a village nor they have ever taken interest in the village life and its people.
Pesants in India is in a delicate situation. Cost of their cultivation has gone up but the produce is sold at distress-sell price. Dependence on a tiny land may not feed the whole family which has increased . The new generation is now educated to find some other professsion but no industry in the vicinity.
Day old land use pattern has not changed, nobody asked for land reforms and advance technology in agricult
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