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I've been working at my first retail job for the past 3 weeks, and I already dread going. I like my coworkers and boss fine, but I find the actual job boring. Selling to customers is very hard and we are expected to sell at least $250 of merchandise in an hour. This is very hard, seeing as most customers come just to browse. I hate this job, and have no passion for it. I've worked as a grocery store cashier and babysat, and I have to say I enjoyed those jobs much more. I don't want to create bad feelings, but I really want to quit. I'm a seasonal employee, a highschool student, need a steady income and I need job experience. I'd like to work at something I have a passion for, like art or writing. What can I do? How can I resign with no hard feelings after just starting? Is there an excuse I can use? I know this sounds very immature, but I'd rather be doing the things I really enjoy while I'm young, not working at a frustrating job. Please help! Thanks

2007-12-13 07:24:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

iv stitt got 6 days holliday left at work if i dont take them before christmas shuld i still get the money that im owed for them

2007-12-13 07:11:34 · 3 answers · asked by lee.fall 1

I will be applying at Starbucks within the next few days. I am a working professional, and am looking a for part-time job. I really want to work at Starbucks because I think it would be fun. I live in a small town, so I know the competetion will be tough. I am hoping to work the very early morning shift on saturday and sunday.

2007-12-13 04:22:29 · 16 answers · asked by Angie W 2

which would you pick to hire of the two someone with a degree or someone with years of experience

2007-12-13 04:20:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm currently zone manager over a useless piece of s***. This is not some YA clown venting, I'm serious.

I think I can get him fired with a numbers-based presentation alone, but I want more help. Please. And do star, if you find it thought-provoking, please =)

2007-12-13 04:16:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you hate to show your face in there again?

Especially if it was your favorite store.

2007-12-13 04:05:24 · 4 answers · asked by . 4

i work 50 hours a week been for the past 9 years .dont want to work 50 hours because i go to school its very hard ,boss says if i dont work 50 hours my services will no longer be needed always makes threats....

2007-12-13 03:30:46 · 5 answers · asked by jason1978 2

anyone know what the fastest way to get a job two weeks before christmas??

anyone know anyone who's hiring right now? ASAP?

2007-12-13 02:56:52 · 1 answers · asked by curious question 2

I'm interviewing for a position next week that I am excited about...the duties are exactly what I want to be doing and the compensation is very fair. The only problem is that several of my former coworkers also used to work with the woman who would be my immediate supervisor and have said she is very difficult to work with. I haven't had a chance to speak with them more in detail, but even when I was working with them I would constantly hear about this woman and how crazy she was. I'm in the position right now where I don't like my job, but I don't want to move into another job where I won't like my boss for the sake of changing jobs for better money.

There is also a potential opportunity with a former boss who I adored and I am very interested in that position too...so it's not like I would be out of options. Any suggestions?

2007-12-13 02:49:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine was for sleeping with my bosses husband(which I wasn't) and sleeping with the 2nd chef(which I was when his girlfriend who worked there was on holiday).
Please tell!
Ooh I'm expecting alot of abuse!

2007-12-13 02:11:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think having a degree may have worsened my chances of full time employment, and i dont know what to do about it, should i take my degree off my CV. Start fresh? i have been unemployed 6 months out of this year. Im not picky either, i love the idea of being a checkout assistant, but i had no reply from any of the supermarkets applied for. My CV has been described as very impressive by interviewers in the past. but i have only been invited to two interviews all year.
Am i missing something? are there no real training opportunities left? i am willing and able to learn new things, but the opportunities are not available to even try. any advice would be much appreciated.

2007-12-13 01:31:30 · 10 answers · asked by anonymousjo 2

Graduating from college this Saturday. Entry level marketing job offer with annual review.

2007-12-13 01:22:09 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

and go looking door to door-it seems like a waste when job openings are now listed on line....I don't know what to do. I have applied on line for numerous jobs that I am qualified for-but no calls.....

2007-12-13 01:21:46 · 3 answers · asked by trixibel 6

I recently began working for Walmart as an overnight stocker. A co-worker told me that you get paid a dollar more for working on Sunday. I was wondering if anyone could verify this? Also, as overnight I am off on "Sunday". However, I worl Saturday night 10pm to 7am. When the clock rollovers at midnight does that qualify as working on Sunday? If the above is true would I be payed that extra dollar?

2007-12-13 01:18:00 · 2 answers · asked by B7B 1

2007-12-13 01:16:37 · 3 answers · asked by claudiozzz 3

Why do I bother emailing my CV to recruitment agencies with covering letters, to apply for jobs, only to be ignored and never even recieve an acknowledgement?

I have to wonder why I'm wasting my time here ..... I'm a good candidate, I have experience in the field that I'm applying for, I have a well written CV and covering letter.

So what's missing?

Maybe I should just become dole scrounger as they seem to have more luck than me right now!

2007-12-13 00:58:24 · 14 answers · asked by Taloollah 4

2007-12-12 23:56:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-12 23:32:23 · 1 answers · asked by karthikeyangaan 1

either in courts, for the police or in subtitles. Ive always known that once i am fast enough i will be able to find a relativley good job in typing but i dont know where to go, any advice appreciated. Thanks

2007-12-12 23:27:10 · 7 answers · asked by Leeeee 2

2007-12-12 21:34:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My work closes next week for two weeks and the workload is really slowing down at the moment, over the last couple of days i've had periods where I have absolutely nothing to do, I can't really go home becasue I need to be there at the end of every day to take phone calls - I'm not the receptionist though I just organise peoples' inspections... I'm not sure how to make it actaully look like i'm working when there is nothing to do!!

2007-12-12 21:34:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is YOUR career or job? What is your career and what type of education or requisites were needed? I am in my early 20's with a college degree in psychology (but not necessarily dedicated to that subject matter) and still trying to figure out a path. So just let me know what you do so that I might get some ideas. Thanks a bunch!

2007-12-12 19:54:31 · 17 answers · asked by AggieAM 3

When you see them at the shops or in the city streets, Do you walk past fast and say " you are not interested, or busy" or do you stop and listen and maybe donate a dollar or two?. Why?

The reason i ask is i might be applying for a wildlife/ envionmental campainer. I love animals and i need a job really bad and arnt having much luck with anything else.

2007-12-12 17:26:42 · 1 answers · asked by ஐButterfly Effectஐ 5

I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what they thought a person who gets hired in at Kroger, for third shift would make?

Keep in mind I have 1-2 years food experience, 1 year retail, and 1/2 year health experience and this wouldn't be my first job.

Thank you.

2007-12-12 17:25:33 · 2 answers · asked by half_pint122000 3

What does subsidised live-in accomodation mean, its at a resort so would that be staying at the resort or staying near by and is that with other people?

2007-12-12 17:10:34 · 1 answers · asked by bay14 1

I am a 19 yr old college student. I am sick of retail and the food industry is too stressful and a crappy environment. I want a job that is going to have better pay and hours. Do you guys have any suggestions? Anything at all. I really don't want to stay at Target (or somewhere just at bad) for $7.00 an hour for the next 3 years im in school. Ugh. I live in Houston, Texas. Link me to a site if you know of any. : )

2007-12-12 17:08:04 · 3 answers · asked by Negative Nancy 2

When I get a job, I plan to turn off my cell phone when I am off work so that other employees can't call me to try to trade shifts or so that the boss can't call me to try to get me to work because someone else called off. Can I get fired for this?

This is regarding fast food, retail, bookstore, etc.

2007-12-12 14:30:20 · 8 answers · asked by anonymous 2

What does it mean when a guy winks at a girl? The reason why I am asking is because I work at a health store and it is inside a small mall area. and the other day while I was working, during the morning time, every guy that walked by the store smiled and winked at me.

what do you think they were winking at me for? and why were they smiling?

2007-12-12 14:11:39 · 5 answers · asked by Katherine S 2

It amazes me the level of incompetence that is present in my office. Does anyone else have this problem? It seems that most people are just "going through the motions" and there are just a few of us who actually know what is going on.

2007-12-12 13:59:31 · 7 answers · asked by thenameisthesame 4

We live in Cincinnati Ohio and no one will give our son a chance to work for them. He is smart and sharp. Is there anyone who will give him a break and see what I mean. Thanks, a desperate Mom.

2007-12-12 13:56:37 · 2 answers · asked by amazonpapillons 1

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