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[Selected]: All categories Beauty & Style Skin & Body Other - Skin & Body

I just turned 18 and want to get a lip piercing, probably on the right side. Some tell me it would be really cute and others tell me not to. What do you think?

This is what I look like:


2007-12-27 11:57:34 · 64 answers · asked by Elle 1

I'm 19, and my nose used to have nice smooth skin on it when I was about 16 but then I started to have slight skin problems on it. I occasionally get pimples on it (which I pop...should I?) and I also get these strange little pellets that grow just under the surface of the skin, and they pop out just like a pimple except it's a bit more difficult to do so. I think all this popping might be causing scarring (kind of like acne scars) because now the skin on my nose is all rough, even though the skin on my face is pretty much as smooth as it's always been. But I have to keep popping these things or else they'll accumulate. Also, the pores on my nose seem to be a lot bigger and more visible than they used to be. I started using these biore "ultra deep cleansing pore strips" but they don't seem to be making the skin on my nose any smoother.

What can I do about this?

2007-12-27 11:41:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anytime i shave my face and neck ends up breaking out in spots! I have tried different shaving foams, different razors and different products cleanse the face before and after shaving but nothing helps!

2007-12-27 11:22:10 · 6 answers · asked by Live4theMoment 3

i really cant get it don by proffessionals even though i know its the best way and please no lectures!

2007-12-27 11:05:40 · 9 answers · asked by Kassie 1

(If you have site links I'll appreciate it)..Before I was pale white, but I had to much sun exposure over the past years, I got a darkish tanned..I want it to fade away.Is there anything to make my skin lighter all over? There are no specific marks or anything, I just want the overall complexion to be lighter by a few shades. I mean I'm not dark, but I'm tanned

I know of creams, but they are all too expensive. Also, skin bleaching is expensive and is not gaurenteed to have a continous light complezion (i.e. there may be bloches of lighters and dark areas).

I avoid the sun as MUCh as possible too.

PS: Do not answer with things like "just be happy with who you are" or "accept your skin colour" or "ask Micheal Jackson". If you do not know, do not answer.

2007-12-27 10:25:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have the aveeno positively radiant moisturizer and when i put it on my face for some reason my eyes water and burn!

2007-12-27 08:06:50 · 9 answers · asked by blankness0876 1

which one should i get done for my bday?

2007-12-27 07:44:20 · 4 answers · asked by axbabyx26 1

sometimes the pimple go away but like for about 2 day the pimple come up again

2007-12-27 07:04:56 · 14 answers · asked by twinkylemelinatranbesttyfriend12 1

Im 14 and have okay skin.. afew spots.... just wondering do you think i should splash out on Clinique cleansers or something and if so what would you recomend? or should i stick to Clearsil, neutrogena,etc?

Thanks much appreciated!

2007-12-27 04:24:38 · 5 answers · asked by Tom 2

ok, I have kp, I know it is disgusting, and it makes me feel like the ugliest most dusgusting person in the world, it is actually really sad. I only have it on my arms, I never ever go out into public without wearing a sweatshirt, or something to cover my arms, because it embarrases me, I have the exfoliating scrub and the lotion but I havent tried it, does it work? should I try it, and anything else would be great, thankyou.

2007-12-27 04:19:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If im wearing sun-screen can i still get a tan, or will it just protect me?

2007-12-26 22:45:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello, In the past few years I have only been using shampoo in the shower, I use it for my hair, both on my head and down there, and I use it on the rest of my body, I shower often so not dirty or anything but I never use a sponge or regular hand soap. Do I need to start washing my body with some soap?

2007-12-26 22:40:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wanted to try something different lol so i ended up doing a piercing under my navel(horizontal) and my skin rejected it so it was peeling off ,ughh i have 2 small holes on my stomach, anyone know any cream i can use ?!? plz & thanks

2007-12-26 16:52:19 · 7 answers · asked by Love 3

Such as apricot scrub or a honey/lemon face mask.

2007-12-26 16:39:32 · 12 answers · asked by Me© 2

Everytime my boyfriend kisses me, even if he has just shaved, it leaves this like irritation burn on my chin and upper lip. Is there anything that I can do about it? If not to prevent it, than to help get rid of it?

2007-12-26 16:20:10 · 2 answers · asked by foxxy_snow_bunny 2

I have horrible stretch marks after my first child. I am looking for a cream to use and I am not sure what really works. Has anyone tried any of the creams and do they really work?

2007-12-26 16:11:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Few days ago i picked and popped a really bad zit...that gave me a bad scab...i let it dry for a couple days then this morning i peeled it off and under it was a big red oozing bump...i iced it alot and the bump went down a little and the oozing stopped but theres still a red bump there..how long will this take to heal??? i got something big friday and something HUGE tuesday...

2007-12-26 15:49:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

ever scince i was little my cheeks have been really red.i dont know why?its weird, my brothers are like that too.i know we are part native american, dose that have any thing to do with it?
my skin is white/tan, and my brother is tan.but our cheeks are super red.dose anyone know why?
this is all year, every day, not just winter.

2007-12-26 15:23:57 · 16 answers · asked by GOD is good 3

whats your opinios on it? Any pros and cons? stories? feel free to say what you feel.

2007-12-26 15:18:48 · 4 answers · asked by enchanted72 1

If so, what do you think of it?

2007-12-26 14:56:43 · 1 answers · asked by ? 2

I have had acne for about three years now and it wont go away...i have tried so many treatments for it and not one of them will work.

2007-12-26 14:16:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My nails are so thin I can bend them backwards and forewards. They break very easy and look terrible. And I can't get my big toe nail to grow so I won't get ingrown nails. What can I do to make them grow stronger?

2007-12-26 14:14:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know, like what Will Smith had done to his ears cuz they stuck out. My ears do the same, they are small but they stick out, so how much does it cost to have them pinned back?

2007-12-26 10:15:35 · 12 answers · asked by Realitisaurus 5

2007-12-26 10:12:00 · 6 answers · asked by aviator 5

i mixed cinomon banana and honey together then i heated it up actually i heated up honey and put the other stuff in and then i put it on my face and left it on for about 10 minutes what did it do to my face

2007-12-26 08:57:57 · 21 answers · asked by lalcutiepie 1

i am 28 and have 2 black hairs that i keep plucking, but they keep coming back. i have fair skin and hair so i don't know why this is happening? thanks!

2007-12-26 07:57:37 · 5 answers · asked by summer 4