I'm having trouble starting a conversation with this guy i know. Lately hes been so quiet, but i can tell he really wants to talk to me and vis versa. Its just akward to be the one to start the conversations. Lke, last friday i finally suck up the courage to talk to him, and we talked for a while, and then i asked him if he was okay because he had been quiet all week, and he just said "i'm cool" but he looked sad when he said it. Should i ask him again if everything is really okay, i don't want to pry. But i used to talk to him everyday last semester, but hes been so distant. Yet he always walks behind me when we walk to gym. I don't know what to do, and i can't stop thinking about him!
Its confusing, and i really just want to talk to him, but how should I? Thank you for any answers, i really need help :)
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Other - Beauty & Style